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Installing a Private Slicebox

Karl Sjöstrand edited this page Mar 22, 2016 · 6 revisions

Slicebox can be easily installed locally on any computer. This type of installation is useful if you are setting up a collaboration with a collaborator offering a public installation of slicebox; or when you wish to use slicebox for organizing and serving DICOM data. Slicebox requires Java to be installed, but no additional configuration is necessary to get started.


Slicebox runs on the Java Virtual Machine and requires a Java 8 runtime environment. If you machine does not have Java 8 installed, download and install from (a JRE is sufficient). Make sure you have the java command located in the bin folder of your Java installation on the path. Check this by typing java -version in a command window. The response should be that you are running Java version 8.

Installing the Universal Zip Package

  • Download a zipped distribution of slicebox from Bintray.
  • Unzip in a suitable location, the Desktop or your home directory are common choices.
  • The bin folder contains the startup scripts for running slicebox. Use slicebox.bat for Windows and slicebox for Linux/Mac. Running
  • Configure the service by editing conf/slicebox.conf. In particular, the administrator (superuser) username and password can be configured along with the hostname and port of the service, and paths to the database and file storage.
  • The bin folder contains start scripts for Windows and Linux/Unix/Mac OS.

Basic Configuration

The conf folder contains the configuraion file slicebox.conf. The following settings may be of interest:

  • - The host where slicebox will be run. For private instances and users on a single computer, localhost is a perfectly good choice. If you would like to accesss the instance from other computers, change this to the IP address or host name of the server where the instance is running. One option is which means slicebox will accept connections to all IP addresses of the server (such as locahost, and its public IP).
  • slicebox.port - The port where the service is reached. Default is 5000. 80 is the standard port for web services and 443 is the standard port for web services over SSL/TLS (https).
  • superuser.user - The username of the slicebox super user. The super user has administrator privileges and cannot be removed.
  • superuser.password - The password of the slicebox super user.