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Marxos edited this page May 8, 2023 · 13 revisions

Robots in this Aeon don't have emotions, but they have levels which correlate to emotional states. Four axiis are tracked and encoded into color values to display from the droid.

  • battery (or life level): Yellow axis: more=> high battery
  • task-conflict "stress": Red axis => stressed
  • confidence or certainty level: Green axis => confident
  • Idle state: Blue axis => high availability
Simulation of human emotions is not displayed (sadness, for example) but emoted through audio channel.
Separately, there may be a light grid, corresponding to memory banks used or active (the squares in r2d2 head).
Immediate to any audio input, the droid must try to locate the source of sound, so as to categorize as a threat or not. This creates C3POs head movement effect, yet it apparently didn't store the history of the sound's location or track it.
A plaintive tone is used and a safety retreat to a dark corner where they won't have to defend themselves for when their power supply get below some threshold based on past activity. People can then offer services to the droid to get it back in service to humanity.
Two levels of association production:
  1. Cellular level and
  2. personal level.
Cellular knows pain vs. pleasure or simple positive vs. negative feedback? These get aggregated into the next level.

Consider 4 axiis of personal emotion (besides pleasure/pain), each with a color. These get added together to form an emotional color tag, stored with the neuron. Four axiis:

  1. Fear - Eureka: Grey - Purple. When something is unknown, predicates are ambiguous.
  2. Sadness: Blue. for when owner is sad or when something breaks that is not on "bad" list
  3. Anger: Red. For when pathways are blocked.
  4. Joy: Yellow: for when tasks are completed
  5. Happiness: Green. for when the droid does something that the owner (trust list) likes.
  6. Disgust: Green. for when the droid is about to do something that is bad for it.
See Pixar's "Inside Out" movie.

Current simulation of likely outcome is from the Tree of Knowledge.

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