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Rules of the Internet

Mark Janssen edited this page Dec 7, 2018 · 4 revisions

There are only three rules which have stood the test of radical culture:

  1. Treat it like paper: you don't dictate what people can write on it.
  2. What you publish can be mined. Deal with it.
  3. The Internet is civilization`s last hope: use it or lose it.
That's it. Anything else and you will pollute the purity of it.

Further, there are four corners to the Internet revolution that you have to understand:

  1. content, not appearances -- no one cares what you look like
  2. tall protocol stack forms (tech and social) network resiliency
  3. radical collaboration (the WikiWay)
  4. hypertext (and P2P networks), linking content around the world.
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