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John Q Durden edited this page Nov 23, 2015 · 6 revisions

It's an old question. What is truth? If you haven't been defeated by one of the two enemies, you're still asking it.

Mastery of Knowledge is an interplay between being relevant and timely; i.e. if you don't have knowledge worth presenting, you have to seek it, yet you cannot rush towards it lest you become a vine that grows fast only to choke the Truth.

Papers should have revision numbers, so that they can be continuously updated and referenced. It dilutes the knowledge space to have multiple papers on the same topic, each with differing, complex names from the same author. The Web changes the scholastic landscape, papers can be kept online, annotated, commented upon by others and interlinked naturally. There's no need for paper journals, the web is more readily available for knowledge-sharing than print publications. Talk:Knowledge

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