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theProphet edited this page Mar 20, 2013 · 1 revision

The next stage of humanity's evolution is pressing. The individualistic, consumption-waste cycle is no longer tenable and our system is in crisis until its fixed. The system must turn inward, inter-connect, and become self-sustaining. There are two part to this: physical and virtual.

Table of Contents


The transition will happen easier and greater if the basic needs of every human being are met.

Every human being has basic physical needs for survival:

  1. sleep: It's a low-impact activity. Humans should have as much right as animals. See Right to property.
  2. breathe: Fresh, clean air is good for the body, don't do things which make bad air.
  3. eat: Food sovereignty. Earth makes food, it should be available to all who need it.
  4. eliminate waste: Done properly, this is giving back to the earth. It should not be subject to criminal proceedings.
  5. free association: To form relationships with other such beings.
A healthy society should make it easy for these needs to be met for those who respect these needs of others. Baring such disrespect, there is no authority which should deprive another human (or animal) these basic needs. Beyond these items (like "health care", etc.) is controversial.

Only once these needs (Maslow's basic level) are met, then the next level of humankind's social development can start to be actualized. Do these out of enlightened self-interest so that a thriving economy and beautiful world can result.

Pangaia forms a sort of catalytic network which makes it easy to network with others, isolate goods and services that can be bartered to meet these basic needs while providing a medium for exchange.



The geo-centric view of the Internet is no longer applicable. We want a content-centric net, organized topically without centralized control. A unified net that allow cross-communication across all domains of activity. And finally a new economic system in which to trade creative goods and construct a living.

  1. Everyone should be able to contribute their thoughts at anytime and those thoughts should be available to all.
  2. Everyone should be able to block whatever they do not want. Whether its porn or Joe Spam.
  3. Ability to free associate and form groups.


  • Stewardship over ownership
  • Sustainability implies zero-waste

Sleep security

Everyone needs to sleep. The "right to property" is one of the most specious ideas in civilization. Such "rights" (in America) were really given to those who we're willing to be most violent to take it. This is notably in contrast to Europe where land property was kept by those most willing to defend it. The only defensible position is that there is no automatic, eternal ''right'' to property when you did not create it. All else is oppressive. (Think about it: the idea of charging someone to sleep.)

However, for those who did that fight to stake claim on that territory, they are not likely to just give it up for some other fighter who has no automatic greater right to it. So you will have to petition for your greater purpose despite a lack of money to purchase it. (Although, do note, that there is the issue of "natural right" by those who were here first (e.g. Native Americans)).

In any case, the system has become stagnant and there are injustices to re-balance. Land prices have risen without a corresponding increase in added value. New people are born into a system where all the spaces have been bought up already and left with little but a constant need to defend one's own right to live.

For those who must do so within already oppressive law or governance structures, consider the following points:

  • Attempt to sleep where you won't disturb others or be visible.
  • Write a "Letter of Intent" and keep it with you in the event you do get questioned, stating that you are on the land solely for a night's rest and that you will take due measures to leave the space in as good or better condition than you found it, and
  • be willing to held responsible for living up to it. (This is ultimately what the law should be for.)

Right to breathe

Breath performs a vital function for mental and physical health. Anything which impinges upon this needs to be justified.


Everyone has a right to live. No one can say which life would contribute most to the health of society, so all should be given access to resources to allow this.

The earth provides the best food and water freely. Living in harmony with it makes it easier. Anyone who compromises it owes the public until it is restored to its natural state.

Waste elimination

Every living human and animal within the world has to eliminate waste daily. Done properly this can be a giving back to the Earth. Living environments should be designed in ways that accept this fact and built it into the system (rather than pretend that it doesn't exist and conceal it). Concrete societies make this harder than it needs to be. Until society builds cities made for humans, you may have to pee in the alleyway.

Ideally, dig a hole at least 6" deep, away from water sources, use your toilet paper, and then urinate upon it. The combination of nitrogen-rich compounds (like urine) mixed with carbon-rich (like fallen leaves, toilet paper, and sticks) make this a contribution back to the earth. For example, urinating on dry, dead wood is most ideal and much better than into a toilet where it is treated or "sanitized" before putting it back, emptied of value, back into the system. Consider how these notions are really outgrowths of Victorian England and "modesty" projected on a vast scale upon billions.

In other words, don't leave your shit out in the open. Use the heel of your shoe or a stick to clear a place where it won't pose a stepping hazard or attract flying insects. You know what I mean, so don't rationalize or cut corners, lest at some point you will lay down and sleep in it.


Living creatures need each other. Chimps raised with a wire-fur surrogate mother diminished and weakened. Ability to socialize implies mobility. People should be able to share rides and not be prohibited from hitching rides where it is safe to do so.

A good urban planner designs cities which understand these facts.

The Internet is a catalyst for socialization -- a means to and end, not the end in itself!!!

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