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John Qase Hacker edited this page Sep 14, 2015 · 2 revisions

The standard Academic paper follows a format of Abstract, Introduction, Body, and Conclusion and is presented in a peer-reviewed journal with some unifying concept (or not). But this may not be the format that allows you to present your ideas completely or most clearly.

But yet, you don't want to turn your paper into an e.e.cummings poem, so Flexibility of Format has a companion rule: Comprehensibility.

In the classroom, you have to evaluate whether desks and podium are the format that will engage and communicate your curriculum. Are the lights, okay? Writing instruments, projectors, voice amplification, power for note taking on laptops, noise levels: these are all important for getting it perfect.

Right Presentation is ultimately achieved with consistency of one's personal integrity, the ability to communicate this when challenged, along with the elimination of all else that is superfluous.

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