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Mark Janssen edited this page Apr 21, 2019 · 17 revisions

Currency is created in the system by giving opinions, via a simple vote up or down. This counts as the individual unit of work and is real value. you get "paid for" in the new units. I say "paid" in quotes because the currency is like play currency in a monopoly game -- it's meant to stay in the game, not get used or traded outside of it.

Currency leaves the system through votes on governance nodes and merchandize exchange from other hacker-spaces. For example, you might trade 20 points from your board for 1 sticker from their space or 100 points for their T-shirt, etc.

For tasks (under BOTQs), the unit of payment should not be the units of this play currency, but merchandize, like T-shirts, old computer equipment, etc. Again, you don't want to do anything that looks like you're being paid or employed in the old paradigm.

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