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John Qase Hacker edited this page Aug 31, 2015 · 3 revisions

This page is about re-orienting the Object-Oriented Paradigm. About fulfilling it`s vision of re-useable code which after 20+ years hasn't happened. This -- in the Internet Age, with the exabytes of wealth in public data -- is an unacceptable waste.

First to analyze what went wrong.

  • A thousand programs with their own personal folksonomies of data organization created a thousand mini domain-specific languages that always felt like wearing someone else`s underwear.
  • No language was really willing or ready to provide the tools in which a DataEcosystem could evolve. Most languages were still focussed on the individual programmer.
  • Some languages attempted to be so pure to the OOP paradigm (making everything an object), that they couldn't function practically any more.
  • The understanding and the art simply hadn't been perfected. Many were focussing the theory on simulating actual or geometrical objects, which in practice was nearly never done and misguided the thought processes.
Secondly, to offer solutions to fix it.
  • A programming environment which allows interaction with and testing of user-created, pre-documented, and network-sourced data objects,
  • A programming language which recognizes the need and function for many, simple, loosely-coupled, modular objects that can be built up into complex compound objects using object composition, just as the Unix shell did for simple file system commands,
  • An education outreach to teach programmers about how much data is sitting underutilized from science, government, and elsewhere which is not generating the value that it could to make a better world.
For the second issue, some work has been done.

Most objects need to communicate to the programmer environment, to build greater data structures, not the outside world, so make inter-object communication built-in, so programmers aren't doing it wrong and/or arbitrarily. Answer: Create a uniform syntax for all objects, using operators >>InTake, <>, absent a left-hand side (lhs) could be decoded as a request from the interpreter environment itself to instantiate the object and send it on it's way: "Ecosystem$ >>Network".

For more, see ObjectOrientedRefactored.

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