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average edited this page Sep 15, 2010 · 8 revisions

Come on. Really. Goo gle, Face book, etc. etc…. do you really want to quash your and your offspring’s creative and future potential for some silly stockholders who don’t give a damn about them? You went to an expensive school, came from a good family, whatever, so perhaps you think, like a good Social Darwinist, that you’ve earned a bigger piece of the future, hmm? Please: don’t be enticed and indulge yourself with such low-hanging fruit. The biggest pile of wealth is just a big, isolating, junk-pile compared to a rich, inclusive, vibrant, shining world.

(but perhaps that’s a foreign or old idea that’s become stagnant to you).

It’s something that everyone deeply and ultimately wants and it’s been a long time coming. The first wave already rolled under when the big corporations found out about the Internet. Remember how cool and exciting it was for awhile. Don’t let the next one crash upon the shore of uncertainty (omg, I’m losing control!). Perhaps you don’t even know what that is, perhaps you’ve forgotten that you once you hopped, sang, and climbed freely like every other child once. Don’t allow the future to be one of continued isolation within the multitudes.

I mean I know you’re trying to be “Open Source” an’ all, but it’s about a commitment to a vision. A As I know you felt it at one time, the Internet offers something radical, something that civilization’s never had before, something that can right the wrongs and imbalances of a millenia.

Or perhaps you’re an individual isolated by his wealth with too few . and … I promise that it will all go toward using these revolutionary tools to create a beautiful society. I’m putting my life behind my ideas. The old Industrial Age assumptions are over. There’s no more to conquer: it is It’s time to turn around I don’t need to glorify my ego. I’m not seeking some office, or IPO. I’ve learned the lessons of history, even recent history. The competitions among men are over. There’s nothing more to harvest. He is me, They are us. It was a fool’s game.

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