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average edited this page Sep 15, 2010 · 8 revisions

Come on. Really. Goo_gle, Face_book, etc. etc…. do you really want to quash your and your offspring’s creative and future potential for some silly stockholders who don’t give a damn about them? Maybe you went to an expensive school, came from a good family, whatever, so perhaps you think, like a good Social Darwinist, that you’ve earned a bigger piece of the future, hmm? Please: don’t get enticed and fall for the low-hanging fruit.

I mean, I know you’re trying to be “Open Source” an’ all, but it’s all about a commitment to a vision — one compelling enough to inspire a future. Honestly, do you really imagine the central nervous system of the planet under the rubric of a freakin’ corporate logo? Barf The biggest pile of wealth, the biggest market is just a big, isolating, masterbatory indulgence compared to a rich, inclusive, vibrant, shining world. I know you kinda get this, at some level, but old habits can give a false sense of the proper trajectory.

This is something that everyone deeply and ultimately wants and it’s been a long time coming. The first Internet wave already rolled under when the big corporations found out about its power (“omg, I’m losing control!”). I remember how cool and exciting it was, and how quickly it got co-opted by old paradigms. Don’t let the next one crash upon the shore of the fatuous.

Perhaps you don’t even know what you’re really after, perhaps you’ve forgotten that you were once a child, that you once hopped, sang, and climbed freely (didn’t you?) — as should be everyone’s innate birthright. Don’t let that self become foreign or stagnant like your forefathers.

The Internet offers something radical, something that civilization’s never had before, remember, don’t turn it into something mundane, something for mere technological utility. Don’t let it become a veiled amplification of your personal fears and insecurities. But the only way to prevent that is openness/vulnerability and radical collaboration, otherwise you’ll wall yourself with your own reflection before you know it.

Or perhaps you’re an individual isolated by his wealth with too little that inspires. You can donate to this project. I’m putting my life behind these ideas. I promise that everything you give will go toward building these revolutionary tools and using them to create a beautiful world. I know how to do it. You can donate by clicking the “Source” button above (where the programming code is actually managed) and clicking the “Pledgie” button to the right.

The Industrial Age assumptions of staunch individualism and conquest are over. It’s time to turn around and interconnect. The competitions among men are over. There’s nothing more to harvest there. “He is Me, They are Us”.

Everyone’s invited — just be human (not some proto-human corporation); that’s all it takes.

See also larger desires of society

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