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Community Stewardship

John Q Durden edited this page Sep 26, 2015 · 5 revisions

This is the biggest part of Academia that needs fixed. Academia has locked itself into it's own little cosmos, with hardly any relevance to those with power outside of it.

This is hardly the ideal about which Plato had written. It is absurd that modern Academics have stopped pondering issues that affect the world and it`s future.

There are three connecting points or bridges that Academia should have, two of which are like frail little limbs on a retarded child: government sector, k-12 education, and the surrounding culture.

It appears most all of you academics have been consumed by the two enemies on the Path. You should be involved in policies made by your institutions that affect your students or that dictate hidden or overt philosophical positions within the institution.

It might be that your only hope is to leave academia and start getting connected to your world.

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