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Artificial Intelligence

Mark Janssen edited this page Dec 21, 2019 · 42 revisions

The key to making AI is to understand the fundamental dynamics information input and it's assemblage into higher orders of form. The AI theorist has to answer four fundamental questions.

Information Theory is key to understanding AI, as it deals with the quantification of knowledge. This is a major breakthrough for AI. Without this understanding, you are left with semantics and meaning and you can never get anywhere.

To AI researcher must ask and answer the following four questions:

  1. A datum enters the arena of your neural net. What event creates a new neuron?
  2. Two data arrive closely linked in time. What event links neurons together or modifies this connection?
  3. Data repeats itself. What event groups neurons together to form a superneuron?
  4. Action values reach past a threshold. What event initiates output?
XXXThis is not what I want to write...

This builds the network. Then, to add another element:

  • Neurons hold the light of consciousness. How does these action potentials get encoded in the neural data structures?
  • Light propagates around as a flow in the network, splitting and reforming in a complex dynamic as it runs around the graph. What event trips neurons into "firing"?
  • A neuron gets overloaded. What event trips motor output?
Data structure: the fractal graph, but does one should use a meta-class? No.
See also:
eye hexagonal triplets --> clump into larger regions (fovea). Peripheral areas apparently are grouped separately.

Item #4, thresholds are related to the limit of storage potentials. As neurons get worked, these storage potentials get larger, so the trip

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