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Mark Janssen edited this page Nov 18, 2019 · 2 revisions

WE, the technically proficient, say...

Apart from RandomNumbers, NULL, every datum in some way relates to something else. Most of our computing history has been done in the context of isolated systems with monolithic applications, creating DataSilos. But with the post-Internet era, especially, the possibility of inter-linked data emerged, paving the way for a UnifiedDataModel.

The OperatingSystem must change so that instead of BigDataObjects that are isolated from everything else, siloed in applications, we have MashUps that keep data and all their relationships tended to like a giant WikiUniverse.

For the sake of clarity, data is defined as something that is both non-NULL (obviously) and non-random. That being the case, then it is clear that AllDataRelatesToOtherData. Other definitions are at WhatIsData.

Note: simulations are rather self-contained data environments, so you could say their data don't relate to other data.

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