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Mark Janssen edited this page Jun 15, 2019 · 42 revisions

Aeons of robotics:

  • 0th aeon: crude, generally hand-coded rule systems. Expert systems. Hero robot of Heathkit.
  • First aeon: sorting data into knowledge. Some level of self-organization. Simple motion based on hand-coded rules. ANN with back-prop learning and most present AI.
  • Second aeon: self-generating, self-organizing networks of knowledge. Recurrency: data feeding back into itself. The present state of this project (formally named "ISAAC").
  • Third aeon: consciousness or action with the data, can answer own questions. HAL of 2001: Space Odyssey
  • Fourth aeon: Complex motion, based on self-learning, C3PO
  • Fifth aeon: fully humanoid: including digestion, has olfactory system. "Data" of Star Trek
  • A rejected "sixth" aeon of robotics that include emotion and feelings is rejected because you're no longer building robots, but living beings.

  • What distinguishes first and second aeons is human vs. machine-made rules. (self-organization).
  • The distinguishing feature between second and 2.5 is the machine-made rules/// aeons of AI is whether the rules have an additional dimension of activity due to recurrance and feedback from itself and the world at large. (self-reflectance)
  • Third and fourth aeon is marked by question generation, due to a lack of perfect fit in the network of a clump of data. (like neurotransmitter). Mind senses discord in data.
  • Fourth and fifth aeon is marked by sensory ability capable of digesting its own brand of order, like olfactory.
  • Fifth and sixth aeon is marked by the distinction of machine vs. life. You've made life itself.
Each aeon accomplishes something useful for the researcher that emerges out of the code:
  1. Accomplishes the encoded tasks, no real emergent behaviors.
  2. Points out the significant (MULF: multiply-used, least-frequent terms (could be text/visual objects/sounds/etc).
  3. Can speak to you (like a mirror: what you've exposed to it). Or re Motions like an infant (again: through. imitation).
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