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Marxos edited this page Jun 22, 2022 · 6 revisions

The feeler in this categorization scheme is the part of the AI that gives positive and negative feedback on processes occurring with the network. For example, malformed phrases can receive a negative feedback which is given to all active neurons at the precise moment. Higher level neurons receive the feedback the most, with a diminishing function from there towards the lower-level neurons. Since the teacher is supposed to give the . Positive feedback is most useful for androids made for kids, where the child's "fun" response should trigger a positive feedback reaction (re-inforce active axons) in the neural network.

, while completing a robots:task list coul \ The droids mood value adds a factor to the learning weight assignment. When things is uncertain because all neural hits aren't matched, then mood variable is reduced. When actuators are over-heating, the mood can be set to a negative value to diminish the higher-level processes which were creating the problem.

satori in neuron is a new clump creation a t the top of the mind which resolves a tension in the Other. Since thi sis an artificial being, there is no Other, and the system must rely on the emotional feedback mechanism from the AI:teacher.

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