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Lone Ranger edited this page Sep 7, 2020 · 10 revisions

All too easy...

But here are some hints:

  • Every bit is an input.
  • If data repeats itself, it probably isn't noise. In the infinite space of possibilities, a pattern repeating itself is near 0 probability. Except for the eyes, this is called temporal proximity.
  • Language forms a basis of separation between conscious centers and subconscious.
  • A functioning neural network has analogues and is fractal with people in society. People have a belief value toward one another and network with them in ways nearly exactly as neural nets. They also organize under others in hierarchies, to create larger structures of order, even meaning.
Now you have the base cases, and the outcomes. Make a multi-level, Markov model. Join the project.
  • Activity at higher levels affects the neurons at lower level to create the imagination.
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