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Xer0Dynamite edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 4 revisions

Androids aren't limited to human-type actuators, even though they've proven quite versatile and useful to us.

One can imagine a giant, intelligent excavator, for example, whose limbs have diggers and extend into the ground, such that if you've programmed in constraints of what not to do, you can merely say, "route these cables from point A to point B." and it will invent a route that honors all of your constraints.

Or autonomous delivery agents, rather than requiring humans to go where they didn't need or want to go just to pick up or deliver some part. Their sensors are then visual sensors for seeing what's ahead, positional sensors of some kind to ensure safe lane travel and distance from other vehicles (acoustic would work). Speed sensing and various drive-train and steering-related sensing, including fuel levels.

For personal use, there could be... stub: see robots:basics.

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