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Nabil Freij edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 5 revisions

Region of Interest

Organisation: OpenAstronomy

Sub-Organization: SunPy

Student Information

  • Name: Yudhik Agrawal

  • Time Zone: +05:30 GMT

  • IRC Handle: yudhik

  • Github ID: yudhik11

  • Instant Messaging: Google Hangout:

University Information

  • University: International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad

  • Major: Computer Science and Engineering

  • Current Year: Second Year (4th semester ongoing)

  • Expected Graduation Date: 2021

  • Programme: Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) and Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering by Research (Dual degree)

Work and Open Source Experience

  • Hackathons -- megathon (inter-college) and amazon alexa hackathon(going at present)

  • Currently a core member of IIIT-Coding Club

  • Made a 2D game and 3D game in OpenGL

  • Made an AI tic-tac-toe bot

  • Contributed in scilab

  • Js13k game (JavaScript coding competition)

  • Operating System: I use Ubuntu and Windows. Apart from the above projects, I am also proficient in C/C++ and I also love to participate in competitive programming.

PR links

Project Proposal Information

Project: Region of Interest

Mentors : dpshelio ,wafels


This project will need to redesign and to work well with coordinates used in the ROI and will cover not only images but other dimensions (timeseries or multidimensional data). This project aims to design and implement an object so that we can find ROI in any physical dimension ( such as spatial area or temporal range and interact with the rest of data types used in sunpy).

The TimeRange object could be used to store the time extent of the "region". The region of interest object should also be derivable from the main object classes - HEK, HELIO.

So user uses HEK module to get a list of events of some time range and also those instances can then be drawn as overlays on a Map instance, like

We will start it by using ROI on images and then extend it to use timeseries as a parameter.

Project Goals :

  • Design the object to accommodate basic geometric shapes ( square, rectangle, circle, polygon, ..etc) as ROI.
  • Interaction with other data types (overplot on maps, time ranges on timeseries,...).
  • Overlaying Multiple ROI.
  • Extract information from the interaction (overlay a sunspot detection on a corona image and extract the information related to ROI .e.g total area of that region or the date at which it was observed).
  • Handling invalid user inputs. ​


  • Making a fully functional ROI object which will be capable of interacting with multiple data types of the sunpy and return a spatial area or temporal range for the queries.

  • ROI module will be capable of returning particular area in the Sun at a particular moment in time, with the extent of area, contour, when it was observed etc.

  • ROI will also be capable of returning list of events for a specified time range for a HEK query and for HELIO (hfc is not accessible from sunpy in an easy way so it depends on how the module is modified during these months, so the feature will be implemented as guided by the mentors).

  • User will be able to overlay multiple ROI at the same time eg: = [roi1, roi2, ...].

  • Make future addition of similar objects easier to integrate.

Detailed Description:

Currently, if users want to get information about Solar events such as flare information, active regions, they would have to first find HEK / HELIO results and after then specify the timerange (which is the window he is interested in) and then club those two as an overlay. Finally, after that while reproducing images user will have to specify the bounding box to focus on a certain region.

Eg. If a user is interested in the finding the biggest coronal hole within 80 degrees north/south of the equator in ""

Class roi(object):
 def __init__ (self, object = None , timeseries = None, responses = None, *argv, **kwargs):
  if object is  'hek':
   self.hek_roi(responses, *argv, **kwargs)
 def hek_roi(self, responses = None, *argv, **kwargs):
  # for all responses building a return value based on different
  # Arguments
  return roi_response

   def helio_roi(self, responses = None, *argv, **kwargs):
  # for all responses building a return value based on different
  # Arguments
  return roi_response
 def time_range(self):
  return TimeRange(self.start_time, self.end_time)
   def plot():
        return plot
    # various other functions

Class ROI


  • Object – type of object.
  • timeseries – will contain sample data and source.
  • Response - (ndarray) - array of responses.
  • Methods - args that will define ROI attributes and properties.


  • Returns – A final ROI response which can be overlaid on an image.

Actual Image of AIA_171

Actual Image of AIA_171


Initializing map and collecting responses from HEK

imports ...
aia_map =
hek_client = hek.HEKClient()
start_time = - timedelta(hours=2)
end_time = + timedelta(hours=2)
responses =, end_time),
                             hek.attrs.CH, hek.attrs.FRM.Name == 'SPoCA')

### Work which ROI will automate

area = 0.0
for i, response in enumerate(responses):
   if response['area_atdiskcenter'] > area and np.abs(response['hgc_y']) < 80.0:
       area = response['area_atdiskcenter']
       response_index = i

ch = responses[response_index]
p1 = ch["hpc_boundcc"][9:-2]
p2 = p1.split(',')
p3 = [v.split(" ") for v in p2]
ch_date = parse_time(ch['event_starttime'])
ch_boundary = SkyCoord(
   [(float(v[0]), float(v[1])) * u.arcsec for v in p3],
rotated_ch_boundary = solar_rotate_coordinate(ch_boundary,
### ROI

req_roi = roi(object = 'hek', responses, area_atdiskcenter_max = true ,hgc_y_max = 80 )
### Plotting

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(projection=aia_map)

aia_map.plot(axes=ax) #for current state
aia_map.plot(axes=ax, overlays = req_roi) #with ROI

ax.plot_coord(rotated_ch_boundary, color='c')
ax.set_title('{:s}\n{:s}'.format(, ch['frm_specificid']))



It will be more convenient to use ROI module as it will save a user from writing a lot of code. ROI will use various features to enhance user experience like will automatically mark our ROI with a certain zoom which is intended and will have space for panning as well.

The final reproduced image will look like:

zoomed image

Multiple ROI's plotted

Current implementation without ROI

responses =[None]*4

### Roi-1: (biggest active region within 50 degrees east/west on the equator line)

responses[1] =, end_time),hek.attrs.AR )

### Roi-2: (biggest active region within 50 degrees east/west on the equator line)

responses[2] =, end_time),hek.attrs.CH )

### Roi-3 (biggest coronal hole within 80 degrees north/south fn the equator)

responses[3] =, end_time),
                           hek.attrs.CH, hek.attrs.FRM.Name == 'SPoCA')

response_index = [None]*4
rotated_ch_boundary = [None]*4
for j in range(1,4):
 area = 0.0
 for i, response in enumerate(responses[j]):
      if j == 3 and response['area_atdiskcenter'] and response['area_atdiskcenter'] > area and np.abs(response['hgc_y']) < 80.0:
          area = response['area_atdiskcenter']
          response_index[j] = i
      elif response['area_atdiskcenter'] and response['area_atdiskcenter'] > area and np.abs(response['hgc_x']) < 50.0:
          area = response['area_atdiskcenter']
          response_index[j] = i

ch = responses[j][response_index[j]]
p1 = ch["hpc_boundcc"][9:-2]
p2 = p1.split(',')
p3 = [v.split(" ") for v in p2]
ch_date = parse_time(ch['event_starttime'])
ch_boundary = SkyCoord(
 [(float(v[0]), float(v[1])) * u.arcsec for v in p3],
rotated_ch_boundary[j] = solar_rotate_coordinate(ch_boundary,

With ROI

responses = [None]*4

### Roi-1: (biggest active region within 50 degrees east/west on the equator line)

responses[1] =, end_time),hek.attrs.AR )

### Roi-2: (biggest active region within 50 degrees east/west on the equator line)

responses[2] =, end_time),hek.attrs.CH )

### Roi-3 (biggest coronal hole within 80 degrees north/south fn the equator)

responses[3] =, end_time),
                           hek.attrs.CH, hek.attrs.FRM.Name == 'SPoCA')

req_roi = [None]*4
for i range(1,4):
 if i == 3:
  req_roi[i] = roi(object = 'hek', responses[i], area_atdiskcenter_max = true ,hgc_y_max = 80 )
  req_roi[i] = roi(object = 'hek', responses[i], area_atdiskcenter_max = true ,hgc_x_max = 50 )</td>roi  rotated_ch_boundary[i] = solar_rotate_coordinate(ch_boundary[i],

Aia_map . date )
ax = plt.subplot(projection=aia_map)
∀roi  ax.plot_coord(rotated_ch_boundary[i], color='c')

Multiple ROI marked

Various Geometric Shapes which will help to plot ROI

For geometric shapes like square and circle, the arguments for ROI can be passed like:

Square[center_x, center_y, side_length]
Rectangle[center_x, center_y, breadth, height]
Circle[center_x, center_y, radius]

These geometric shapes can be used to represent ROI on a specific need and for the rest of the responses we can use chaincode(convex and concave polygon).

Invalid user input

As mentioned in the issue: 2498

Invalid inputs by the user can be handled by first checking whether the given args belong to a dictionary of attributes of the object.

Proposed solution:

  • Returning each wrong argument can be cumbersome so an error message can be returned describing the method and args which are expected and the specific order.
  • Rest of the handling can be done in accordance with the proposed solution that we come up along with the mentors.

Hence the following are the main tasks of the project :

  1. Make the object that could be used to define the region of interest (ROI).
  2. ROI module will use various objects and data types as inputs (HEK/HELIO) to be used as overlays which could be plotted on the same image.
  3. Extract information from the interaction (overlay a sunspot detection on a corona image and extract the total area of that region or the date at which it was observed).
  4. Later the ROI can be extended to objects like timeseries.
  5. Extensive testing of different possibilities for the plot of ROI.





AIA to STEREO Coordinate Conversion:

GOES Flare and HEK Plot:



Time Period Plan
Community Bonding (April 24 - May 22, 2018)
  • Get familiar with ROI and responses from various data-types which can be used to plot ROI.
  • Laying the base to start building ROI.
  • Learn more about the various attributes of HEK/HELIO.
Coding Period Starts (May 14, 2018)
May 14 - 22, 2018 (Week 1)
  • Implementing basic geometric shapes along with chaincode (eg: rectangle, circle, polygon etc).
  • Implement module for more complex structures (like chaincode where the shape is not consistent).
May 23 - June 6, 2018 (Week 2 - Week 3)
  • Embedding hek / helio responses as inputs in ROI.
  • Querying for multiple attributes. Eg.
    region = ROI(hek_response)
    region.plot() # overlay the plot over a hek region
    region.position() # tells the centre of the location
    region.area() # gives me the area of the region # tells me when that was observed
June 6 - 14, 2018 (Week 4)
  • Write tests and documentation.
  • Cross-check the work done for the submission of the first phase of evaluation.
First Evaluation ( June 11 - 15, 2017 )
June 15 - July 6, 2018 (Week 5 - Week 7)
  • Overplotting ROI on the map.
  • Accepting multiple overlays which will be plotted layerwise. Eg. = rois) rois = [ roi1, roi2, ....]

July 7 - July 13, 2018 (Week 8)
  • Write tests and documentation.
  • Add 'timeseries' as an attribute in ROI (as a number of instruments are supported through subclasses).
  • Cross-check the work done for the submission of the second phase of evaluation.
Second Evaluation ( July 9 - 19, 2017 )
July 14 - July 28, 2018 (Week 9 - Week 10)
  • Incorporating Timeseries with hek/helio events.
  • Efficiently plotting multiple attributes at the same time without causing them to overlap and are easily explorable and accessible.
July 29 - August 5, 2018 (Week 11)
  • Handling Invalid user inputs..
  • Buffer period.
August 6 - August 10, 2018 (Week 12 )
  • Work on any leftover tasks which were stuck before.
  • Write tests and documentation.
  • Resolve merge conflicts (if any).
  • Refactoring of code
Submit Code and Final Evaluations (August 6 - August 14)
August 14 - August 21, 2018 Mentors Submit Final Evaluations
August 22, 2018 Results Announced

Software packages to be used

Language: Python

Libraries and modules: astropy, json, pytest, sympy

SunPy dependencies: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, suds, pandas

How I propose to complete the project:

I have been contributing to SunPy from the beginning of the February. I will discuss design specific problems and implementation details with my mentors before starting a new topic. Also, if I feel any problem that needs to addressed or designed carefully, I would rather go through several documentations and try finding solutions online and won't hesitate approaching mentors for my doubts.

I spent a lot of time going through SunPy documentations and also through several references provided to me other than that. I also worked on some pseudo codes and got to know about its functionalities and figured out the way to design a solution.

  • I will push to my pull requests regularly to keep my mentors updated on my work.
  • I will be updating the documentation parallelly with functionalities and methods I implement.
  • I will update my blogs regularly.
  • I will be available all the time for reviews and answer questions regarding my implementation.


Have you participated previously in GSoC? When? With which project?

No. This is the first time that I would be participating in GSoC

Are you also applying to other projects?

No. SunPy is the only organization that I am applying for.


I commit to work for 35-40 hours a week during GSoC period. I don't have any other internship or work during this summer.

I have my end Semester exams from 19 April – 27 April so I won't be able to devote most of the time to the project. During that week I would be able to give 15-20 hrs and would further try whenever necessary.

My next semester will start from the 1st week of August still I would be able to devote most of my time as in the initial days of the semester we have less workload.


Yes, I am eligible to receive payments from Google. For any queries, clarifications or further explanation of any approach/feature, feel free to contact me at and I shall be happy to reply.

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