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GSOC 2020 Abhijeet Manhas

Nabil Freij edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 5 revisions

Metadata searches using Fido

Mentors: @cadair, @nabobalis

Personal Information



I have been interested in Astronomy since my school days. I participated in various National level competitions like the National Standard Examination in Astronomy and qualified the state merit. After completing high school, I joined the Indian Institute of Technology for undergraduate studies in Computer Science. In June 2019, I was selected as the coordinator of Space Technology and Astronomy Cell (STAC) in IIT Mandi. I got to learn and engage in a lot of astrophysics and python owing to the open-source culture established by our seniors in the STAC and Programming Club of IIT Mandi. I actively coordinated in organizing AstraX (the annual Astro-meet) which witnessed lead developers of two astropy affiliated packages as keynote speakers. I also gave a talk on how to be an astronomer using python in a Python Software Foundation sponsored event in Mandi, India followed by a hands-on session.

Work done in SunPy

S. no. Pull Requests Status
1 Created BaseHeliographic class #3595 Merged
2 Removed astropy helpers from various files #3676 Merged
3 Removed old SJI classes #123 Merged
4 Implemented Groundclients for Fido #3763 Open (WIP)
5 Implemented ACE Clients #3705 Open (Approved)
6 Implemented _get_time_for_url in GenericClient #3863 Open (Approved)
7 Fixed deprecationwarning due to vso.attrs #3813 Closed
8 Implemented VSMClient #3809 Open
9 Implemented KanzelhoheClient #3810 Open
10 Implemented Gong and Farside Clients #3811 Open (Approved)
11 Implemented BBSOClients #3812 Open

Why this Project?

I started using SunPy last winter; initially for AIA maps in slides for a session. From November I started to interact with the community by joining the riot channel and mailing list. I then explored its issues and tried to work on various submodules out of which sunpy/net seems to be more intriguing for me, I continued some client PRs and by making them compatible with current SunPy's version, I became familiar with changes undergone by the submodule and how works. Fido naturally seemed to be an obvious project for me in SunPy after the ideas list were out and I was very excited to go for it.

The Project Plan


Federated internet data obtainer (Fido) is a very powerful query and fetch interface when it comes to its flexibility and versatility with different types of clients and query attributes. The data archives available at various FTP and HTTP sites mostly offer file-based records accessible easily through time ranges, and Fido evolved to efficiently handle such queries.

This project will be an attempt to refactor the net module by standardizing all client classes and their responses. It will enable Fido to parse metadata queries and allow users to inspect them as well. The project will also attempt to solve download failures with JSOC and VSO as in Issue #3336 and Issue #3773 respectively.

This would be followed by writing pytests for various untested functions in the module. The project will end with easy interpretable documentation of code and gallery examples wherever possible; I will be constantly maintaining my blog as well so please feel free to check it before evaluation!

Breaking down the project into components:-

1. Implement Abstract Base Class for responses from all clients

A large part of the task has already been completed as of PR #3770 (further Fido Refactoring) which implements ABC for GenericClient, VSOClient, and JSOCClient. I will transition the current response implementations of HEKClient and HECClient to BaseQueryResponse as well.

1.1 ABC for HEKClient

Hek _download returns a HEKTable as a response which is a customized astropy.table. A new class HEKResponse inheriting BaseQueryResponse is to be made and the search will return the response object. Various new methods for operations on HEKTable will be defined in the Response class.

1.2 ABC for HECClient (Helio Event Catalogue)

The time_query of HEC can be renamed to search for uniformity with other clients. HECResponse inheriting BaseQueryResponse will receive a VOtable object. The build_table method will be responsible for appending all attributes from the table and return response in a more human-readable form.

2. Chosen metadata columns in Response tables of DR Clients

The one thing which bugged me while working with sunpy/net was 'nan' values in the wavelength column of the response table of DR Clients. This issue was also raised here #3221. There really should be a way by which users can decide what columns they want to see in the table.

The way I am thinking to solve it is by making a dictionary meta_cols data member of client class with keys as attrs (column name to be shown in the result table) and values. The build_table of ClientResponse will use meta_cols to make the Astropy.table.Table.

The meta_cols values will be filled using helper functions defined within the source client class or to be retrieved from the file name read by Scraper. For example, for GOESClient the get_goes_sat_num() call will result in meta_cols['sat_no'].append(sat_num).

This will be of course followed by native and Fido tests for the implementation.

3. Fido MetaData only queries for JSOC, HEK and HELIO Clients

These clients generally obtain metadata for the records. Except for the JSOCClient, all do not inherit the BaseClient class. In fact, we already have a search_metadata function for JSOCClient. The way by which Fido correctly uses the desired client for data retrieval is through the implementation of _can_handle_query. This subtask can be done as:-

3.1 Make HEC and HEK clients as subclasses of BaseClient

This will also include adding _can_handle_meta_search in each subclass to register the attrs which can be handled by the respective client.

3.2 Implement search_metadata in fido_factory

This will be responsible for dispatching the correct client based on the function_can_handle_meta_search. Luckily, the response objects would already have been standardized after task 1. Users will have to pass the arguments say for example:- Fido.search_metadata(a.EventType('FL'), a.Time(start,end)) and Fido will know to use HEKClient for matching records through _can_handle_meta_search registration. This will return a modified dictionary of metadata and the __repr__ function for this dictionary will ensure the output is human-readable.

4. Query inspection and post search Filtering

The feature worked for VSO till v0.9.9 but broke when v1.0.0 was released. After knowing the bad commit, first I'll correct it for VSO and then add a search method to query response objects of all clients.

4.1 Implement filter_results for net attrs

_filter_results and decorators for this function registration (@_filter_results.register) for all query operators shall be implemented in . Attrs for JSOC will inherit this functionality with some JSOC specific tweaks to query filtering.

4.2 Filtering using Fido

Before implementing this, first I'll register QR objects based on the client by which they are used as raised in issue #3732. Then add a search function to UnifiedResponse class of similar to the way explained for the rest clients.


  • ABC for query response objects for HEK and HELIO Clients.

  • meta_cols implementation in DR Clients.

  • Functions for Metadata only searches for HEK and HELIO clients.

  • API for Post search query for HEK, HELIO, VSO and dataretriever clients.

  • Register QR objects based on clients.

  • Latest parfive integration for fixing proxy issues with Fido.

  • Deal with VSO issues while fetching queries.

  • Adding Cdf reader to sunpy.

  • Integration of ACE Clients and GroundClients to sunpy/net.

  • Documentation of the above code and necessary Gallery examples.


Community bonding period (May 4 - June 1)

I'll spend this time interacting with mentors and the community and discuss the strategy to solve download fails for special cases of queries. I will also raise issues or feature requests as I explore the module.

The community bonding period is almost one month this time, so I would spend some of it in completing the changes directed for my open Pull Requests. The tasks I will work upon:-

  • Implement a .cdf file reader in sunpy. Many files accessible through CDAWeb are mostly of this extension so it would be handy to have such reader in ~sunpy.util or; if in future such files are to be independently read by SunPy. Luckily there is also a python library for it (cdflib).

  • Get all groundclients PRs complete and reviewed by maintainers and the same for ACE Clients.

Week 1 (June 1 - June 8)

Make clients know the time-ranges from the urls itself instead of an extra function Issue 3715.

Week 2 - Week 3 (June 8 - June 22)

Implementing ABC for HEKClient and HECClient responses.

Week 4 (June 22 - June 29)

Registration of Query Response objects based on clients they are used by.

EVALUATION 1 (June 29 - July 3)

Week 5 (June 29 - July 6)

Make HEC, HELIO and HEK clients as subclasses of BaseClient

Week 6 - Week 7 (July 6- July 20)

Implement meta_cols for DR Clients for query-specific columns in the response table.

Week 8 (July 20 - july 27)

Make GOESClient able to know the satellite number without being hard-coded date-wise using scraper (Issue #3337).

EVALUATION 2 (June 29 - July 3)

Week 9 (July 27 - August 3)

Implement post-search queries for all clients and through Fido.

Week 10 - Week 11 (August 3 - August 17)

  • Add can_handle_meta_search function in clients to make fido know which client to use for meta searching.

  • Implement search_metadata for meta-specific clients and in Fido.

Week 12 (August 17 - August 24)

  • Solve issues about download failures using VSO and JSOC.

  • Complete documentation and add some gallery examples wherever required.

Week 13 (August 24 - August 31)

Final touchups (if left) to the deliverables.

FINAL EVALUATIONS (August 24 - August 31)

Open-source Background and Experience

Me and GSoC

Have you participated previously in GSoC? When? Under which project?

I haven't participated in GSoC before.

Are you applying to other projects?

I haven't applied to any other project and focused on Fido.


I don't have any internships or other projects to do in summer. I won't be even having classes in June and July, so I can fully commit my time to the project. I can easily commit 35-45 hours a week to my project. For one week in June, I'll be busy with my end-sem examinations. I will love to contribute to SunPy even after the GSoC period. Integrating the HESPE data archive will be my next objective after the summer of code.


Yes, I'm eligible to receive payments from Google.

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