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vQFX Bringup

prseshac edited this page May 29, 2018 · 13 revisions

Singe Node vQFX Bringup



copy the RE image & cosim image to /var/lib/libvirt/images (your server)

vqfx_sw_01-re.img, vqfx_cosim_01.img

copy the vm .xml files to /var/lib/libvirt/images (your server)

vqfx_sw_01-re.xml, vqfx_cosim_01.xml

Commands to be run from KVM :

create private bridge for cosim & RE

  brctl addbr  br_cosim_01

  brctl stp br_cosim_01 on

  brctl show

spawm RE VM.

  cd /var/lib/libvirt/images

  virsh create vqfx_sw_01-re.xml

check whether vqfx VM is up

  virsh list

spawn cosim VM

  virsh  create vqfx_cosim_01.xml

need to br_cosim_01 bridge up

  ifconfig br_cosim_01 up

check whether cosim VM is up

   virsh list

wait for 180 secs. Login to RE and check for fpc status

vQFX & control Node Bringup

For vQFX node, please copy vqfx_sw_01-re.xml.ctrl from

create private bridge for vQFX & control node Cosim bridge is already UP.

  brctl addbr  br_priv_dumy

  brctl addbr  br_priv_001

  brctl stp br_priv_001 on

place second intf on controlVM xml on private bridge : br_priv_001 (refer dg-n004.xml)

  virsh create vqfx_sw_01-re.xml

  virsh create  <ctrl-node.xml>

need to br_cosim_01 & private up

  ifconfig br_cosim_01 up

  ifconfig br_priv_001 up

ping control node eth1 ip addr from vQFX.

2 vQFX nodesnconnected back to back

vqfx_sw_01-re(xe-0/0/0) ---> vqfx_sw_02-re(xe-0/0/0)

Follow the Single vQFX node bringup.

In the same way, copy Junos RE & Cosim for 2nd node from 5b11s3-node4 server

  brctl addbr  br_cosim_02

  brctl addbr  br_priv_002

  brctl stp br_cosim_02 on

  brctl stp br_priv_002 on

Instantiate 2nd vqfx node

  virsh create vqfx_sw_02-re.xml

  virsh create vqfx_cosim_02.xml

Enable bridge interface

  ifconfig br_cosim_02 up

  ifconfig br_priv_002 up

Output of brctl

  brctl show
  bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
  br_cosim_01		8000.fe54000a176a	yes		vnet1
  br_cosim_02		8000.fe540026a724	yes		vnet11
  br_priv_002		8000.fe5400238948	yes		vnet3
  br_priv_dumy		8000.fe5400be738f	no		vnet2
  virbr0		8000.525400de2fb0	yes		virbr0-nic
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