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Script to upgrade contrail cloud running 3.2 to 4.0

kamleshp edited this page Apr 3, 2017 · 9 revisions

With 4.0 Server-Manager script is available to upgrade existing 3.2 contrail cloud to 4.0. The location of the script /opt/contrail/server_manager/ The steps executed by the script are detailed at here.

User need to add the image, cluster and servers to SM running 4.0 code. For image, server and cluster json samples refer to 4.0 provisioning. Run the script as below:

root@smgr-a1s9:/opt/contrail/server_manager# python -h
usage: [-h] cluster_name image_name

positional arguments:
  cluster_name  cluster to be upgraded.The cluster and servers should be
                existing in SM
  image_name    version to upgrade to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

The script execution log is saved at /var/log/contrail/inplace_upgrade.log. The timeout for cluster provisioning completion is 3600 seconds, user can increase it for cluster with large number of nodes. Below is the timeout parameter in the script.


Note: The script uses openstack-config utility, one can install contrail-setup package to get this utility.

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