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Steps for upgrading SMLite and Provisioned Cluster

dgautam edited this page Sep 16, 2017 · 4 revisions
  1. Install new server-manager-installer

dpkg -i contrail-server-manager-installer_4.0.1.0-59~newton_all.deb

  1. Goto Installer Directory

cd /opt/contrail/contrail_server_manager

  1. Install SMlite with following options

./ --all --smlite --no-external-repos --hostip=<MGMT-IP-OF-Server-Manager>

  1. Create image.json using following format.

    { "image": [ { "category": "package", "id": "image_contrail_cloud_package_4_0_0_0_20_newton_xenial", "parameters": { "contrail-container-package": true }, "path": "/root/contrail-cloud-docker_4.0.0.0-20-newton_xenial.tgz", "type": "contrail-ubuntu-package", "version": "" } ] }

  2. Use following command to add new cloud image to SM database:

server-manager add image -f image.json

  1. Get cluster name

server-manager display cluster

  1. Issue Provision for the cluster with the new image-id

server-manager provision --cluster_id <cluster-id-from-above step> <image-id-from-step 4>

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