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Troubleshooting Provision of Contrail

Nitish Krishna edited this page Jul 25, 2017 · 4 revisions

Table of Contents

Section 1: Setup of Server Manager

Section 2: Reimaging a Node

Section 3: Provisioning a Node

Section 4: Monitoring and Inventory

Section 1: Setup of Server Manager

  1. Removing Existing Server Manager

Follow the directions in the Server Manager Purge script below:

docker rmi -f `docker images -a | grep -v registry | grep -v REPOSITORY | awk '{print $3}'`
docker stop registry
docker rm registry
docker images -a | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi -f
service contrail-server-manager stop
service supervisor-webui-sm stop
sleep 4
dpkg -l | grep contrail | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -P
dpkg -l | grep puppet | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -P
dpkg -l | grep cobbler | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -P
dpkg -l | grep passenger | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -P
dpkg -l | grep docker | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -P
dpkg -l | grep ansible | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -P
rm -rf /etc/contrail_smgr/contrail-centos-repo /etc/contrail_smgr/contrail-redhat-repo /var/www/html/thirdparty_packages /opt/contrail/ /var/log/contrail /etc/cobbler/pxe /srv/www/cobbler/ /var/lib/cobbler/ /usr/src/contrail/contrail-web-core/webroot/img /etc/puppet/ /var/lib/puppet /usr/share/puppet /etc/contrail_smgr /etc/contrail /var/www/html/contrail/ /etc/ansible
rm -rf /var/lib/cobbler /var/lib/puppet /etc/puppet /etc/cobbler /etc/contrail* /opt/contrail/contrail_server_manager
rm -rf /var/lib/docker /etc/docker /run/docker
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ansible*
rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list
  1. Cleanup of Puppet Certificates

If Puppet Certs are already present before Server Manager has been installed, they need to be deleted using:

rm –rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs 

(on server manager machine and all intended targets)

  1. Installing Server Manager on Multi-Interface Node

Ensure that /etc/hosts file has an entry for

Issue ./ --host-ip= during install

  1. Issue: AH00526: Syntax error on line 9 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/puppetmaster.conf: Invalid command 'PassengerHighPerformance', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration Action 'configtest' failed. During install, ./ fails due to this error during puppetmaster-passenger install. Please check if passenger.conf and passenger.load and present in /etc/apache2/mods-available and /etc/apache2/mods-enabled. If yes, please issue a2enmod passenger.

  2. If SM fails in image add during first image add, it is most likely cobbler issue. Please check the dhcp.template and named.template.

  3. If during cobbler sync, the issue rndc connection failure: is seen, please check the named.template used in /etc/cobbler. It should be similar to the named.template.u in /etc/contrail_smgr. Please use this file if different.

  4. The file /etc/bind/named.conf.options must also be checked if you see an error in cobbler DNS bring-up

Section 2: Reimaging a Node

  1. If user sees issue where reimage stops to ask for input on ubuntu mirror to use, it is mostly a kickstart/kickseed issue. Please use the sample kickstarts/kickseeds in the /etc/contrail_smgr/kickstarts folder while adding image parameters.

Section 3: Provisioning a Node

  1. Mismatch of Puppet Certificates

· Puppetmaster certificate hostname mismatch.

Puppetmaster sends a server certificate,The target verifies this certificate for hostname to match with puppet. When the puppetmaster send a certificate with hostname that does not have alt_dns_name = puppet an error is thrown.By default puppet.conf ensures that the certificate generated has alt_dns_names = puppet. Delete and re-generation of certs should take care of generation of certificate with "alt_dns_name = puppet", After re-generating the certificates , apache server needs to be restarted.

· Cannot verify SSL certs

The NTP of target servers is probably not in sync with the Server Manager node

Section 4: Monitoring and Inventory

  1. I find that Monitoring and Inventory features are not showing any data. Why?

The Monitoring and Inventory features may not be showing any data due to one of the following reasons:

a. Make sure the 'sm-config.ini' file has the sections 'SERVER-MANAGER', 'MONITORING and 'INVENTORY' filled with appropriate values as given in the techwiki under section 'Server Manager Configuration/ Configuring ServerManager'.

b. If things don’t' work after step 'a' make sure the device has IPMI support and you are able to ssh into the device in question from the node running ServerManager.

  1. I find that only partial data is shown in the GUI for monitoring and Inventory. Why is it so?

a. The existing images in the ServerManager db still point to the old kickstarts files. Please delete and the same image which should point to the new session type : IPMIv2/RMCP+ (Not supported version)

b. The ssh keys may not be copied properly. Make sure you have ssh root access to the servers having this issue.

c. Make sure the server that is having the issue is either Quanta or SuperMicro.

We haven't tested other vendors and so you have some issue with them. Please file a bug if your want to support a particular vendor.

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