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Provision Contrail 4.0.1 (Ocata Openstack Containers) on a single node all in one cluster using Server Manager

Ramprakash Ram Mohan edited this page Jan 3, 2018 · 33 revisions


This Wiki describes the process involved in bringing up an All-in-One Contrail Cluster based on Openstack Docker Containers (Ocata). This Wiki is based on Build 46 (branch R4.0) of Server Manager. Please refer to the "Known Issues" section below for any manual workarounds required for this build.

Target Node Requirements for Ocata Containers

  • Ubuntu 16.04.2
  • Two or more interfaces - neutron_server hijacks the interface that is given as neutron_external_interface.

SM Node Requirements for Provisioning Ocata Containers

  • Ubuntu 16.04.2 or Ubuntu 14.04.5

The steps involved is exactly same as described in this page . The only change will be in the contents of the cluster JSON which now also holds parameters relevant to the Ocata Openstack provisioning in addition to the Contrail parameters. A "minimal" sample cluster JSON is given below for a single node All-in-One configuration with single interface (same interface for management as well as control-data):

Contrail (Container) Cluster JSON

"cluster" : [
        "id": "single_node_kolla",
        "parameters" : {
            "provision": {
                    "openstack_manage_amqp": true
                "kolla_globals": {
                    "kolla_base_distro": "ubuntu",
                    "openstack_release": "4.0.0",
                    "enable_haproxy": "no",
                    "network_interface": "eth2"

For details on the Ocata specific parameters inside the "kolla_globals" section and for a comprehensive list of variables that can be tweaked as required, please refer to this file

When provision is successful, the openstack environment variables can be found in /etc/kolla/ file on the open stack node. This file needs to be sourced before Openstack commands can be executed.

The sample JSONS are provided below:

For details on the parameters inside the "kolla_globals" section, please refer to descriptions for each parameter in this file

Sample JSONs for all-in-one multi-interface node (Contrail

Sample JSONs for all-in-one single-interface node (Contrail

Sample JSONs for a Multi-Node Contrail-HA cluster - Use the cluster and image sections to craft your combined JSON file required for SMLite

Sample JSONs for a Multi-Node Contrail-HA and Openstack-HA cluster - Use the cluster and image sections to craft your combined JSON file required for SMLite

Known Issues

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