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Developer Installation in Mac OSX Snow Leopard

tillmo edited this page Oct 27, 2014 · 1 revision

Install Gcc

  1. Insert the Mac OSX Snow Leopard DVD
  2. Open the Optional Software folder
  3. Install XCode by clicking on the icon

Install Git

  1. Visit the web page
  2. Download the Git installer image
  3. Double-click the image file (git-[...].dmg)
  4. Double-click the Git virtual drive (white drive icon on desktop)
  5. Double-click the package file (git-[...].pkg)
  6. Continue the steps until ended
  7. Move setup[...].sh file to the Desktop
  8. Open the Terminal (Applications > Utilities)
  9. Type in two commands cd Desktop ./setup\ git\ PATH\ for\ non-terminal\
  10. Log out of your OSX session
  11. Log in again

Install RVM

  1. Open the Terminal (Applications > Utilities)
  2. Type in the following commands
bash -s stable < <(curl -s
source ~/.bashrc
rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p125

Install PostgreSQL

  1. Visit the webpage PostgreSQL - Dowload - Mac OS X
  2. Download the PostgreSQL installer image
  3. Double-click the PostgreSQL installer image PostgreSQL[...].dmg
  4. Double-click the PostgreSQL virtual drive (white drive on desktop)
  5. Double-click the PostgreSQL application (it is an installer)
  6. Reboot your computer
  7. Double-click the PostgreSQL installer image PostgreSQL[...].dmg again
  8. Double-click the PostgreSQL virtual drive (white drive on desktop) again
  9. Double-click the PostgreSQL application (it is an installer) again

Install Ontohub

  1. Open the Terminal (Applications > Utilities)
  2. Type in the following commands
mkdir ~/Repositories
cd ~/Repositories
git clone <ontohub:uri>
cd ontohub
bundle install
rake sunspot:solr:start

Install Hets

  1. Visit the web page
  2. Download the Hets installer image
  3. Double-click the image file (hets-[...].dmg)
  4. Double-click the Hets virtual drive (white drive icon on desktop)
  5. move the to your Application-Folder