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Edgar Simo-Serra edited this page Jan 21, 2020 · 1 revision


The Soromid have created the ultimate ship, completely organic with a mind of it's own. However, this lifeform fled the Soromid installations leaving a trail of destruction across the galaxy. The Empire now has it cornered and is attempting to quarantine the area to try to learn how it was done to use it against the Soromid. The Soromid have still not lost hopes in being able to recapture it and use it, and at worst destroy it so the Empire doesn't figure out it's secrets.

Initial Stage

A more or less isolated system is quarantined by Empire forces near the Soromid area. They threaten any who come near and shoot if the jump point is approached. Hailing them tells the player to bug off.

Locals nearby can tell crazy stories about the area. It should attempt to interest the player and make him be curious about the area.


Neutral Campaign

Another group is interested in learning the secrets. Some possible candidates:

  • News reporter wanting to get a cover story
  • Strange cult that believes this is the ultimate entity and the path to redemption of humankind
  • Anti-Soromid xenophobic group that believes the Empire is working with "the enemy" (Soromid)
  • Strange Soromid whom it turns out the entity is his brother.

Empire Campaign

Attempt to capture the weapon and learn it's secrets.

Soromid Campaign

Attempt to take the weapon back from the Empire to try to recover it.