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Gunjan Baid edited this page Feb 25, 2017 · 6 revisions


  • What are Git and GitHub?

Git is a version control software that tracks changes in files and allows multiple users to work on the same files in parallel smoothly. Git is often used in conjunction with GitHub, a website that hosts code and files (it is the site you are currently visiting). A repository (aka repo) on GitHub holds the files for a specific project. GitHub’s web interface also displays the information that Git tracks, such as which users are working on a file and what changes have been made to the file.

  • Why should I store materials on GitHub?

    Storing materials on the Data 8 GitHub allows you to use Interact Links for assignment distribution. It's also allows you to use the version control features that Git provides. In addition, it provides a central public location for connector course materials across semesters.

  • What are different ways to use GitHub?

    To store assignments on GitHub, you can use the GitHub web interface, a command line interface, or a desktop GUI (graphical user interface). You can learn more about how to use GitHub here.

  • Is my GitHub repository private?

    No. Don't store answer keys and other private materials on the GitHub repo.

Getting Access

Each connector course has its own repo on the Data 8 GitHub organization. This repo is a place where you can store course materials such as Jupyter notebooks. Instructors and CAs should have full access to their connector's repo. If you don't have full access and want to request it, please post on Piazza.