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contrail Installation and Provisioning

Ignatious Johnson edited this page May 1, 2015 · 20 revisions

Installation and Provisioning Roles

This section describes how to install the Contrail Controller software on multiple servers and provision on multiple servers.

Preinstallation Checklist

This procedure assumes that you have first completed the following procedures:

  • All of the servers are time synced.
  • All servers can ping from one to another, both on management and on data and control, if part of the system.
  • All servers can ssh and scp between one another.
  • All host names are resolvable.
  • If using CentOS or RHEL, SELinux has been disabled (/etc/sysconfig/selinux).

Installation Overview

The Contrail Controller is typically installed on multiple servers. The base software image is installed on all servers to be used, then provisioning scripts are run that launch role-based components of the software.

The roles used for the installed system include:

cfgm — Runs Contrail configuration manager (config-node)
collector — Runs monitoring and analytics services
compute — Runs vRouter service and launches tenant virtual machines (VMs)
control — Runs the control plane service
database — Runs analytics and configuration database services
openstack — Runs OpenStack services such as Nova, Quantum, and the like
webui — Runs the administrator web-based user interface service

The roles are run on multiple servers in an operating installation. A single node can have multiple roles.

Installing the Contrail Packages, Part One (CentOS or Ubuntu)

This procedure provides instructions for installing Contrail packages onto either a CentOS-based system or an Ubuntu-based system. Ensure that a compatible base operating system has been installed, using the installation instructions for that system.

  1. Download the appropriate Contrail install packages file

     CentOS: contrail-install-packages-1.xx-xxx~openstack_version.el6.noarch.rpm
     Ubuntu: contrail-install-packages-1.xx-xxx~openstack_version_all.deb

    Note: where xx-xxx~openstack_version represents the release number, build number, and OpenStack common version name (such as Havana or Icehouse)

  2. Copy the downloaded Contrail install package file to /tmp directory on the first config node in your cluster.

     CentOS: scp <id@server>:/path/to/contrail-install-packages-1.x-xxx~openstack_version.el6.noarch.rpm /tmp
     Ubuntu: scp <id@server>:/path/to/contrail-install-packages-1.xx-xxx~openstack_version_all.deb /tmp  
  3. Install the Contrail packages,

     CentOS: yum --disablerepo=* localinstall /tmp/contrail-install-packages-1.x-xxx~openstack_version.el6.noarch
     Ubuntu: dpkg -i /tmp/contrail-install-packages-1.xx-xxx~openstack_version_all.deb 
  4. Run the script. This step will create the Contrail packages repository as well as the Fabric utilities (located in /opt/contrail/utils ) needed for provisioning:

     cd /opt/contrail/contrail_packages;   ./  
  5. Populate the definitions file, see Populating the Testbed Definitions File.

    Note: As of Contrail Release 1.10, the Apache ZooKeeper resides on the database node. Because a ZooKeeper ensemble operates most effectively with an uneven number of nodes, it is required to have an uneven number (3, 5, 7, and so on) of database nodes in a Contrail system.

Populating the Testbed Definitions File

You populate a testbed definitions file, /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/, with parameters specific to your system, then run the fab commands as instructed in section: Installing the Contrail Packages, Part Two, to launch the role-based installation and provisioning tasks.

You can view example testbed files on any node in the controller at:

/opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/ for a multiple server system
/opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/ for a single server system

For a list of all available Fabric commands,

refer to the file /opt/contrail/utils/README.fabric​

Installing the Contrail Packages, Part Two (CentOS or Unbuntu) --- Installing on the Remaining Machines

Preinstallation Checklist

This procedure assumes that you have first completed the following procedures:

Ensure that the file has been created and populated with information specific to your cluster at /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds.

Note: Fab commands are always run from /opt/contrail/utils/.

  1. Run Fabric commands to install packages as follows:

     CentOS: /opt/contrail/utils/fab install_pkg_all:/tmp/contrail-install-packages-1.xx-xxx~openstack_version​.el6.noarch.rpm
     Ubuntu: /opt/contrail/utils/fab install_pkg_all:/tmp/contrail-install-packages-1.xx-xxx~openstack_version_all.deb 
  2. Ubuntu: The recommended Kernel version for Ubuntu based system is 3.13.0-34. Nodes can be upgraded to kernel version 3.13.0-34 using below fabric-utils command​:

     fab  upgrade_kernel_all

    Note: This step upgrades the kernel version to 3.13.0-34 in all nodes and performs reboot. Reconnect to perform remaining tasks. ​

  3. To install the required Contrail packages in each node of the cluster:

     fab install_contrail

    To install Contrail with an already existing OpenStack node provisioned by users:

     fab install_without_openstack    # Script will install nova-compute in the compute node
     fab install_without_openstack:manage_nova_compute=no    # User installs nova-compute in the compute node
  4. If your installation has multiple interfaces (see Multiple Interface Support), run setup_interface:

     fab setup_interface
  5. Provision the entire cluster:

     fab setup_all

    To provision Contrail with an existing OpenStack node node provisioned by users, use one of the following:

     fab setup_without_openstack    # Script provisions vrouter and nova-compute services in the compute nodes and the compute nodes are rebooted on completion
     fab setup_without_openstack:manage_nova_compute=no    # Only vrouter services are provisioned, the nova-compute service is not provisioned and compute nodes are rebooted on completion
     fab setup_without_openstack:manage_nova_compute=no,reboot=False    # Only vrouter services are provisioned, the nova-compute service is not provisioned and the compute nodes are not rebooted on completion