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Provision Cassandra Zookeeper in Config node of a Existing cluster

Ignatious Johnson edited this page Sep 19, 2016 · 1 revision


Steps to provision cassandra/zookeeper in config node of an existing cluster with config and database roles in different set of nodes.

Managing separate Cassandra database for config and analytics DB's in a existing contrail cluster by migrating config key-spaces and zookeeper data to config node. This is achieved by,

  1. Provisioning Cassandra/zookeeper in config node for config key-spaces and migrating data to config node.
  2. Using the existing database node for analytics key-spaces.
  3. Stopping zookeeper in database nodes.


s1, s2, s3 -- Nodes playing config roles
s4, s5, s6 -- Nodes playing analytics and database roles.

1. Installation

1.1 Install database packages in config servers

    fab -R cfgm -- "apt-get install contrail-openstack-database"

2. Backup config key-space's and zookeeper.

2.1 Populate with following backup information

    backup_db_path = ["/root/"]
    skip_keyspace=["ContrailAnalyticsCql", "useragent", "system_auth", "system_distributed", "system_traces",  "system"]  # Skip all existing key-space's except  confid_db_uuid,svc_monitor_keyspace,to_bgp_keyspace,DISCOVERY_SERVER,dm_keyspace 
    Populate ‘backup’ role in env.roledefs with backup_node 
    set root password for the backup_node in env.password

2.2 Backup the config key-spaces

    fab backup_cassandra_db

2.3 Backup the zookeeper

    fab backup_zookeeper_data

3. Provision Database for analytics DB

3.1 Populate with following information,

    ssd_data_dir = '<commit-logs-partition>/commit_logs_data'
    database_dir = '<cassandra-data-partition>/cassandra’

3.2 Provision database services in config servers

    fab setup_database_node:<user@s1>,<user@s2>,<user@s3>

4. Restore config key-spaces

4.1 Rename the backed up data dir to config servers host names in the backup node

    BACKUP_NODE# cd /root

4.2 Restore the config key-space's from the backup node to config servers

    fab restore_cassandra_db

4.3 Restore the zookeeper data from the backup node to config servers

    fab restore_zookeeper_data

5. Direct analytics services to point to zookeeper services in config servers

    fab -R collector -- "openstack-config --set /etc/contrail/contrail-alarm-gen.conf DEFAULTS zk_list <s1>:2181 <s2>:2181 <s3>:2181"
    fab -R collector -- "openstack-config --set /etc/contrail/contrail-collector.conf DEFAULT zookeeper_server_list <s1>:2181,<s2>:2181,<s3>:2181"
    fab -R collector -- "openstack-config --set /etc/contrail/contrail-snmp-collector.conf DEFAULTS zookeeper <s1>:2181,<s2>:2181,<s3>:2181"
    fab -R collector -- "openstack-config --set /etc/contrail/contrail-topology.conf DEFAULTS zookeeper <s1>:2181,<s2>:2181,<s3>:2181"

6. Direct kafka service to point to zookeeper services in config servers

    fab -R database -- "sed -i 's/zookeeper.connect=.*/zookeeper.connect=<s1>:2181,<s2>:2181,<s3>:2181/g'  /usr/share/kafka/config/"

7. Direct config services to point to zookeeper services in config servers

    fab -R cfgm -- "openstack-config --set /etc/contrail/contrail-api.conf DEFAULTS zk_server_ip <s1>:2181,<s2>:2181,<s3>:2181"

    fab -R cfgm -- "openstack-config --set /etc/contrail/contrail-device-manager.conf DEFAULTS zk_server_ip <s1>:2181,<s2>:2181,<s3>:2181"
    fab -R cfgm -- "openstack-config --set /etc/contrail/contrail-schema.conf DEFAULTS zk_server_ip <s1>:2181,<s2>:2181,<s3>:2181"
    fab -R cfgm -- "openstack-config --set /etc/contrail/contrail-svc-monitor.conf DEFAULTS zk_server_ip <s1>:2181,<s2>:2181,<s3>:2181"

8. Stop/disable zookeeper services in database servers

    fab -H <user@s4>,<user@s5>,<user@s6> -- "service zookeeper stop"
    fab -H <user@s4>,<user@s5>,<user@s6> -- 'echo "manual" > /etc/init/zookeeper.override'

9. Restart kafka services

    fab -R database -- "service kafka restart"

10. Restart contrail services, including neutron service

    fab restart_cfgm

11. Restart contrail analytics services

    fab restart_collector


After executing the above steps,

  1. Config services will use the new Cassandra provisioned in servers (s1, s2, s3) and analytics service will use the existing Cassandra in the new servers( s4, s5, s6).

  2. Config/collector/kafka services will use the new zookeeper provisioned in servers (s1, s2, s3)