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Setup and run rally

Harish Kumar edited this page Dec 15, 2015 · 1 revision

One can provision rally on a VM/BM node which can be either separate node or one of the cluster node. Once provision and setup rally, then we can run rally tasks/scenarios to do performance testing and benchmarking.

Note that the code to setup rally is still under review process (, so not got merged till yet.


  1. setup with below details (refer testbeds/
# Add a new role for rally

env.roledefs = {
    'all': [host1, host2, host3, host4, host5, host6, host7, host8, host9, host10],
    'cfgm': [host1, host2, host3],
    'openstack': [host1],
    'control': [host1, host2, host3],
    'compute': [host4, host5, host6, host7, host8, host9, host10],
    'collector': [host1, host2, host3],
    'webui': [host1],
    'database': [host1, host2, host3],
    'build': [host_build],
    'storage-master': [host1],
    'storage-compute': [host4, host5, host6, host7, host8, host9, host10],
    __'rally': [host1]__

# Add rally specific params as below

# =======================================
# Rally is installed from github source, with default to be
# There are two params can be added here to control any different repo to be used,
# rally_git_url - the git url from which source can be cloned (git or https url can be provided)
# rally_git_branch - branch name to be used, default to master.
#        Since we customized couple of rally plugin code, we should provide these parameters with appropriate git repo
# rally_task_args - rally task arguments  - a hash of arguments taken by scenarios.yaml jinja2 template
rally_git_url = ''
rally_git_branch = 'network_plus'
rally_task_args = {'cxt_tenants': 1, 'cxt_users_per_tenant': 4, 'cxt_network': True, 'base_network_load_objects': 20000, 'load_type': 'constant', 'times': 2}

  1. install rally by running "fab install_rally"
  2. Configure rally with current openstack cluster by running "fab setup_rally"
  3. Now one can run rally
  • either with the task args provided in the testbed by running "fab run_rally"
  • or with different task args by populate the arguments in a file and provide file name as argument to run_rally - run "fab run_rally:/tmp/args.yaml", where /tmp/args.yaml contain task args like " {cxt_tenants: 1, cxt_users_per_tenant: 4, cxt_network: true, base_network_load_objects: 20, load_type: serial, times: 1, scenario_args: { random: {image_id: 54e959d5-7632-4689-93d3-87c9eb5807a4, flavor_id: 1 }}}"

Please refer for more details about task parameters.