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C++ OpenAI Gym

Currently, Using C++ with OpenAI Gym involve having a communication channel/wrapper with the Python source code. This open-source project aims at developing some of the core functionalities of OpenAI gym in C++.

This README will be continuously updated as new features are added, bugs are fixed, and other changes are made.


  • C++17 Supported Compiler (Tested with GCC 7.1)
  • QMake (Tested with QMake 3.0)
  • Eigen3

Build (from Source)

git clone
cd CPPGym
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../
make -j8 (replace 8 with number of cores)


To start off, you can refer to the code in gym/main.cpp after building from source. You can also build the project and link with yours.

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include "gym/gym.h"

int main()
  Eigen::VectorXf state;
  float reward;
  bool done;
  std::string info;

  auto env = cppgym::gym::make("MountainCar1"); //env is a unique_ptr to a gym environment
  state = env->reset(); //call reset before simulating

  for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    std::tie(state, reward, done, info) = env->step(0); //unpack tuple
  return 0;

In the Works!

  • Tests and CI
  • 2D Rendering Support
  • Contributing Guidelines
  • More Environments!