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Releases: smithlabcode/falco

v0.2 - 2019/11/26

27 Nov 01:45
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Changes in version 0.2:

  • Fixed several problems in per tile sequence quality. Visualization in the html report also shows the y axis in heatmap as categorical instead of numeric.
  • Fixed bugs in adapter content. We now give an exact percentage of adapters in each position, and output is consistent with FastQC.
  • Base groups in per base sequence quality are more consistent with FastQC. We now use linear base groups instead of exponential base groups from previous version.
  • Added a -B or --bisulfite flag, not included in fastqc, to test for Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing data. When the -B flag is raised, per base sequence content will only compare A with G and (A+T) with (G+C) as pass/warn/fail criteria. It will also display two extra columns in the text output with A+T and G+C percentages for each base position.
  • Added a -v or --version flag similar to FastQC, which simply prints the program version.

v0.1.1 - 2019/11/21

21 Nov 19:49
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  • Updated documentation, -O3 flag is instructed to be default when running ./configure
  • benchmark directory no longer added to the tarball

v0.1 - 2019/10/28

28 Oct 18:41
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Accurate adapter estimator just from kmer counts