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F. Conrads edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 4 revisions

You can use the Qald Gen Project and generate your own QALD file. It directly translates the RDF QALD into JSON.

You can execute the QALD Gen using the following steps

  1. generate a QALD Json File
  2. Execute the generated file using gerbil

1. Generate a QALD JSON File

Gerbil integrated the QALD Gen project and can be executed using the following line in your terminal

java -cp gerbil.war org.aksw.gerbil.utils.QaldGen <params of Qald Gen Project>

can be found at Instead of an RDF file it provides a QALD JSON file directly. The value of the parameter -o will name the JSON file.

For example:

java -cp gerbil.war org.aksw.gerbil.utils.QaldGen   -m feasible   -n 10  -e http://localhost:8890/sparql   -q personalized-query.txt   -o feasible-10qa-benchmark.json

will generate 10 queries using the FEASIBLE Format using a local triple store instance hosting the QALD dataset of 5000 questions. (The benchmarks are generated from these questions.) and saving them in the feasible-10qa-benchmark.json file

2. Execute the generate file

Either use the online version of gerbil at GERBIL QA or use your local instance (see Wiki for how to execute your own Gerbil QA instance)

As usual choose your systems to benchmark and upload the generated JSON file at the Dataset box using a descriptive name.

Execute the benchmark and get results.