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Michael Röder edited this page Oct 20, 2017 · 1 revision

This page lists the known error messages and how you should react on them. Note that GERBIL expresses the errors either as number (Nr.) or as a message. Both are listed below. Note that "annotator" or "annotation system" could be replaced with "question answering system" or "benchmarked system" in the table below.

Nr. Message Cause Solution
-101 The dataset does not support the experiment type. The created experiment can not be executed since the chosen dataset does not support the chosen experiment type. Either adapt the experiment type or choose another dataset that supports the chosen type.
-102 The annotator does not support the experiment type. The created experiment can not be executed since the chosen annotation system does not support the chosen experiment type. Either adapt the experiment type or choose another annotator that supports the chosen type.
-103 The matching does not support the experiment type. The created experiment can not be executed since the chosen matching does not support the chosen experiment type. Either adapt the experiment type or choose another matching that supports the chosen type.
-104 The dataset couldn't be loaded. There was an error loading the dataset. Make sure that the dataset is correctly configured in the datasets.propererties and the necessary data (e.g., files) are available and in the correct directories.
-105 The annotator couldn't be loaded. There was an error when trying to instantiate the annotation system client. Make sure the annotator is correctly configured in the annotators.propererties file and the necessary data (e.g., URL of the web service, additional config files) are available and in the correct directories.
-106 Got an unexpected exception while running the experiment. The experiment has been canceled because an unexpected error has been caused. This is a very general error and it is not possible to solve it without additional information (e.g., the log file). If the problem occurs in your local GERBIL instance, please check the log. If you encounter it for one of your experiments in the online instance of GERBIL, feel free to open an issue here on Github.
-107 The GERBIL server has been stopped while the experiment was running. The experiment was running while the server has been stopped. Recreate the experiment and start it again.
-108 The annotator caused too many single errors. The experiment was stopped, because the annotation system answered with HTTP error codes or malformed responses. Please make sure that the annotation system web service a) is up and running and b) does implement the API correctly.
-109 The annotator needed too much time and has been interrupted. The annotation system needed too much time to answer a request. This request will be counted as error. Note that this error is logged but might not be seen in the graphical user interface. Please make sure that a) the annotation system web service has enough resources to answer the requests and b) the documents in the dataset are not too demanding for the annotation system.