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David Rebhuhn edited this page Jun 27, 2015 · 10 revisions

What is the target platform for this?

Hardware:    Oculus Rift DK2  
ROS Version:    Indigo  
OS:    Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Oculus SDK Version:  

Do you have to run rviz in a special way?

Yes; see the startup instructions

Does this work with the PR2 surrogate?

Yes! It's recently been tested for this capability at Oregon State University with a minimum of hassle.

Does this need any other ROS packages?

Yes; it needs ros_ovr_sdk.

Does this work with the DK2?

Yes; this package was explicitly designed for the DK2.

Does this still work with the DK1?

Unfortunately not. Due to an unknown setup issue, it does not seem to render properly.

Does this render position changes instead of just orientation changes?

Not yet. There is a place in the code where that might be added in later.

Does this render the Chromatic Abberation used in the Oculus Rift DK2?

Not yet. There is a place in the code where that might be added in later.

Do I need to follow additional installation instructions prior to the build instructions?

It doesn't appear so. If you have any doubts, consider running

Can I install this to my system with catkin_make instead of just building it in the workspace?

This hasn't been tested. Currently, the system has no special instructions for installing (vs plain building)