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How to use contrail test container

Senthilnathan Murugappan edited this page Apr 5, 2018 · 1 revision

Use Contrail-test container

Table of contents

Use Contrail-test Container

Before using the container, one must install docker on the host. Please refer the docker installation document for docker install instructions (


This is a helper script to manage (run/rebuild/list) contrail-test container.

  • Get from github
$ wget
$ chmod +x ./

$ ./ -h

Usage: ./ <Subcommand> [OPTIONS|-h]
Run Contrail test suite in docker container

  run 	 Run contrail-test container
  rebuild  Rebuild the container provided
  list   List contrail-test containers
  load 	 Load the container image from the filepath provided (tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2)
  pull 	 pull the test container image from the repository

Run ./ <Subcommand> -h|--help to get subcommand specific help 

  • Pull container image
# ./ pull -h

Usage: ./ pull RemoteRegistry/image:tag
download the docker image to local system from remote registry

Possitional Parameters:

  <image>        remote image
                eg: ./ pull myregistry.local:5000/contrail-test-test:

  • Load container images
# ./ load -h

Usage: ./ load DOCKER-IMAGE-URL
Load the docker image to local system

Possitional Parameters:

  <docker-image-url>        Docker image tar.gz url. Supports three modes:
                           http[s] url: example, http://myrepo/contrail-test-images/docker-image-contrail-test-kilo-3.0-2709.tar.gz
                           file path: example  /root/docker-image-contrail-test-kilo-3.0-2709.tar.gz

Load docker image from http url

# ./ load http://nodei16/docker-image-contrail-test-juno-3.0-2709.tar.gz
--2016-02-26 16:18:26--  http://nodei16/docker-image-contrail-test-juno-3.0-2709.tar.gz
Resolving nodei16 (nodei16)...,
Connecting to nodei16 (nodei16)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 425768269 (406M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘/tmp/tmp.x7SNNIHMdL/docker-image.tar.gz’

100%[================================================================================================================================================================>] 425,768,269  448MB/s   in 0.9s   

2016-02-26 16:18:27 (448 MB/s) - ‘/tmp/tmp.x7SNNIHMdL/docker-image.tar.gz’ saved [425768269/425768269]

Loading the image
Successfully Loaded the image http://nodei16/docker-image-contrail-test-juno-3.0-2709.tar.gz

  • Run contrail-test using testrunner

This will help running the contrail-test containers without learning docker commands. Also this script will help to save the data out of the contrail-test into the host. It saves logs, reports,, and contrail-test code itself out of contrail-test container to said directory (provided using --run-path).

# ./ run -h

Usage: ./ run [OPTIONS] (<image_tag>)
Run Contrail test suite in docker container

  -p, --run-path RUNPATH           Directory path on the host, in which contrail-test save all the
                                            results and other data. Default: /root/contrail-test-runs/
  -s, --shell                      Do not run tests, but leave a shell, this is useful for debugging.
  -S, --scenarios SCENARIOS        list of scenarios that need to run as part rally tests. If empty ,
                                            runs all the tests under ./rally/scenarios
  -i, --use-ci-image               Use ci image, by default it will use the image name "cirros",
                                   One may override this by setting the environment variable $CI_IMAGE
  -r, --rm	                   Remove the container on container exit, Default: Container will be kept.
  -b, --background                 run the container in background
  -n, --no-color                   Disable output coloring
  -z, --tempest_dir TEMPEST DIR            Path to the tempest , where it is cloned
  -t, --testbed TESTBED            Path to testbed file in the host,
                                            Default: /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/
  -k, --ssh-key FILE_PATH          ssh key file path - in case of using key based ssh to cluster nodes.
                                                  Default: /root/.ssh/id_rsa
  -K, --ssh-public-key FILE_PATH   ssh public key file path. Default: <ssh-key provided>.pub
  -P, --params-file PARAMS_FILE    Contrail test input yaml file
  -f, --feature FEATURE            Features or Tags to test - valid options are sanity, quick_sanity,
                                            ci_sanity, ci_sanity_WIP, ci_svc_sanity, upgrade, webui_sanity,
                                            ci_webui_sanity, devstack_sanity, upgrade_only. Default: sanity
                                            NOTE: this is only valid for Full contrail-test suite.
 -T, --test-tags TEST_TAGS         test tags to run specific tests
 -c, --testcase TESTCASE           testcase to execute
 -m, --mount_local path           mount a local folder which has contrail-test
NOTE: Either (-t) or test-input-yaml-file (-P) required

Possitional Parameters:

  <image_tag>        Docker image tag to run (Run "./ list -i" to list all images available)

$ ./ list -i

=========== Images =============
IMAGE                                              IMAGE ID             VIRTUAL SIZE
opencontrailnightly/contrail-test-test:ocata-master-1 294fc58b3cd4         1.48 GB

# ./ run  contrail-test-juno:2.21-105 

The above testrun may create below directory structure under run_path directory in the host

# ls ~/contrail-test-runs/

# ls ~/contrail-test-runs/2016_02_26_16_17_43
contrail-test  logs  reports

  • Run contrail-test container with a shell instead of running contrail-test. This would be helpful to login to the container and do some debugging
# ./ run  -s contrail-test-juno:2.21-105 

  • Run with in non-standard location (by default it takes from /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/
# ./ run  -t /tmp/ contrail-test-juno:2.21-105 

  • List running contrail-test containers
# ./ list
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                            COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
9664fea32bd3        contrail-test-juno:2.21-105   "/"    7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes                            contrail_test_egueqpcv

  • List all contrail-test containers (including all running as well as finished containers)
# ./ list -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                            COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
80132b7c05a0        contrail-test-juno:2.21-105   "/bin/bash"         5 minutes ago       Exited (0) 3 minutes ago                        contrail_test_kkqrdrcn
9664fea32bd3        contrail-test-juno:2.21-105   "/"    8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes                                    contrail_test_egueqpcv
  • Rebuild existing container (running or non-running container)
# ./ rebuild -h

Usage: ./ rebuild [OPTIONS] <container id/name>
Rebuild contrail-test containers

  -p, --run-path RUNPATH           Directory path on the host, in which contrail-test save all the
                                            results and other data. Default: /root/contrail-test-runs/
  -s, --shell                      Do not run tests, but leave a shell, this is useful for debugging.
  -r, --rm	                     Remove the container on container exit, Default: Container will be kept.
  -b, --background                 run the container in background
  -n, --no-color                   Disable output coloring
  -t, --testbed TESTBED            Path to testbed file in the host,
                                            Default: /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/
  -T, --testbed-json TESTBED_JSON  Optional testbed json file.
  -P, --params-file PARAMS_FILE    Optional Sanity Params ini file
  -f, --feature FEATURE            Features or Tags to test - valid options are sanity, quick_sanity,
                                            ci_sanity, ci_sanity_WIP, ci_svc_sanity, upgrade, webui_sanity,
                                            ci_webui_sanity, devstack_sanity, upgrade_only. Default: sanity
                                            NOTE: this is only valid for Full contrail-test suite.

NOTE: Either (-t) or both testbed-json and params-file required

Possitional Parameters:

  <container id/name>        The container ID or name ( "./ list -ca" to list all containers)

Below code will rebuild an exited container

# ./ rebuild contrail_test_eqsjwxar
 rebuilding container - contrail_test_eqsjwxar
 This process will create an image with the container contrail_test_eqsjwxar
 Creating the image img_contrail_test_eqsjwxar

Manually run contrail-test using docker commands

  • Load docker image from /export/docker/contrail-test/contrail-test-juno-2.21-105.tar.gz
$ docker load < /export/docker/contrail-test/contrail-test-juno-2.21-105.tar.gz

  • Execute docker container

    it run contrail-test tests and log the console. The console output may be captured at later point by running "docker logs [-f] ".

$ docker run -v /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/ -t contrail-test-juno:2.21-105
  • Execute the container with logs saved in specific location

    The logs will be saved under /export/logs/contrail-test/ on docker host.

  $ docker run -v /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/ -v /export/logs/contrail-test/:/contrail-test/logs -t contrail-test-juno:2.21-105

Sample commands

  • Execute all tests with a specific tag (-T) (below example executes k8s_sanity tagged tests)
./ run -P contrail_test_input.yaml -T k8s_sanity opencontrailnightly/contrail-test-test:ocata-master-1
  • Execute a specific feature (-f) (below example executes all tests part of ci_sanity)
./ run -P contrail_test_input.yaml -f ci_sanity opencontrailnightly/contrail-test-test:ocata-master-1
  • Execute a specific testcase (-c) (below example executes a single testcase test_project_add_delete)
./ run -P contrail_test_input.yaml -c test_project_add_delete opencontrailnightly/contrail-test-test:ocata-master-1
  • Run tests with passwordless login to the cluster-nodes
./ run -P contrail_test_input.yaml -k ~/.ssh/id_rsa opencontrailnightly/contrail-test-test:ocata-master-1

Other Tools


This script can be used to cleanup tenant data. This can be run after testrun to make sure tenant is clean.

    $ ./ -h
    usage: [-h] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                             [--auth-url AUTH_URL] [--auth-tenant AUTH_TENANT]
                             [--ip IP] [--port PORT]
                             tenant [tenant ...]

    Cleanup provided tenants by removing all objects in it.It expect openstack
    credentials from OS_ environment variables in openrc format.The credentials
    can be provided as commandline arguments also

    positional arguments:
      tenant                List of tenants to be cleaned up Note that, the user
                            must have access to the tenants listed

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --user USER           Openstack user, if not provided, try to get it from
                            environment variable "OS_USERNAME" with default user
                            as "admin"
      --password PASSWORD   Openstack password
      --auth-url AUTH_URL   Openstack auth url, by default try to get from
                            environment variableOS_AUTH_URL with default of
      --auth-tenant AUTH_TENANT
                            Openstack tenant to connect to
      --ip IP               IP Address of the controller
      --port PORT           Port of the controller

    $ ./ --ip tenant1 tenant2 tenant3
    No objects found in tenant tenant1
    No objects found in tenant tenant2
    No nova objects found in tenant tenant3