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Senthilnathan Murugappan edited this page Apr 28, 2018 · 1 revision

1) How to reuse the test container ?

Use the below commands to re-use an existing test-container which has been originally started from test-suite run.

./ list -a
docker restart <test-container-id>; docker exec <test-container-id> kill -19 bash; docker exec -it <test-container-id>

2) How to start a test manually inside a container ?

The test code will be under /contrail-test inside the container

Export the below env variable 
export PYTHONPATH=./:./scripts/:./fixtures/

You can list the test case you want to run with the below command
[root@25802eefcd00 contrail-test]# testr list-tests | grep project_add_delete

Run the test case
[root@25802eefcd00 contrail-test]# test run scripts.project.test_projects_basic.TestProjectBasic.test_project_add_delete

3) Test code organization

 The test code is organized under the following directories

 a. fixtures          - Contains all the necessary fixtures (eg. For creating virtual_network, security_group , etc)
 b. scripts           - Contains all the test scripts organized based on features which can be run simultaneously.
 c. serial_scripts    - Contains all the test scripts organized based on features which can be run not be run simultaneously.
 h. common            - Contains common infra code which can be used for common activities like parsing the test topo, etc.
 d. tcutils           - Contains utils code which can be used by multiple test cases.
 e. tools             - Contains tools code which is used to for tasks like report creation, uploading reports to webserver, collecting cores , etc.
 f. logs              - Contains logs from test run
 g. reports           - Contains report from test run

4) What test infrastructure tools are used.

a. testtools
b. test repository

5) How to manually upload the report

After the test has run , the report details file (report_details_<>.ini) and the junit-noframes.html files will be generated.

With the above files and contrail_test_input.yaml , which has the test config parameters we can upload the reports using the below mentioned script.

export PYTHONPATH=$PATH:$PWD/fixtures:$PWD/scripts:$PWD  
python tools/ contrail_test_input.yaml  report_details_2018_04_21_23_09_16.ini /contrail-test/report/junit-noframes.html