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Install contrail test ci on a machine

Harish Kumar edited this page Jun 14, 2016 · 2 revisions

Install contrail-test-ci

A script provided ( to install contrail-test-ci.

    $ ./ -h

    Install or do docker build of Contrail-test and contrail-test-ci

    Usage: ./ (install|docker-build) [OPTIONS] (contrail-test|contrail-test-ci)


    install         Install contrail-test/contrail-test-ci
    docker-build    Build docker container

    Run ./ <Subcommand> -h|--help to get subcommand specific help

    $ ./ install -h

    Install Contrail-test or contrail-test-ci

    Usage: ./ install [OPTIONS] (contrail-test|contrail-test-ci)

      -h|--help                     Print help message
      --test-repo REPO              Contrail-test git repo, Default:
      --test-ref REF                Contrail-test git reference - commit id, branch, tag, Default: master
      --fab-repo FAB_REPO           Contrail-fabric-utils git repo
      --fab-ref FAB_REF             Contrail-fabric-utils git reference (commit id, branch, or tag), Default: master
      --ci-repo CI_REPO	            Contrail-test-ci git repo, Default:
      --ci-ref CI_REF               Contrail-test-ci reference (commit id, branch, or tag), Default: master
      --test-artifact ARTIFACT      Contrail test tar file - this tar file will be used instead of git source in case provided
      --ci-artifact CI_ARTICACT     Contrail test ci tar file
      --fab-artifact FAB_ARTIFACT   Contrail-fabric-utils tar file
      -u|--package-url PACKAGE_URL  Contrail-install-packages deb package web url (http:// or https://) or scp path
                                    (ssh://<server ip/name/< package path>), if url is provided, the
                                    package will be installed and setup local repo.
                                    In case of scp, user name and password will be read from environment variables
                                    SSHUSER - user name to be used during scp
                                    SSHPASS - user password to be used during scp
      positional arguments
        What to install             Valid options are contrail-test, contrail-test-ci


        $ ./ install --ci-repo -e /tmp/export2 -u http://nodei16/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb contrail-test-ci

        $ export SSHUSER=user1 SSHPASS=password
        $ ./ install --test-repo --test-ref working
            --ci-repo -e /tmp/export2
            -u ssh://nodei16/var/cache/artifacts/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb contrail-test-ci

    - Install with artifacts

      $ ./ install --ci-artifact /tmp/contrail-test-ci.tar.gz \
            -u http://nodei16/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb \
            --fab-artifact /tmp/contrail-fabric-utils.tar.gz contrail-test-ci 

Once it is installed, one should copy to /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds (or any custom fab path in which case, one have to provide --contrail-fab-path while running Now just go to /opt/contrail-test and run as they have done before.

NOTE: No need to run any fab tasks like setup_testenv or anything. Running will read and build required files to run the tests (like sanity_params.ini, sanity_testbed.json).

Here is how I run contrail-test-ci after Install it.

  1. Copy to /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/
  2. cd /opt/contrail-test
  3. run ./ with appropriate parameters