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Harish Kumar edited this page Feb 29, 2016 · 18 revisions

contrail ci tests

This repo contain contrail ci tests and other common tools and libraries to run contrail-test.

Table of contents

Install and use contrail-test or contrail-test-ci

A script provided ( to install both contrail-test-ci as well as contrail-test.

    $ ./ -h

    Install or do docker build of Contrail-test and contrail-test-ci

    Usage: ./ (install|docker-build) [OPTIONS] (contrail-test|contrail-test-ci)


    install         Install contrail-test/contrail-test-ci
    docker-build    Build docker container

    Run ./ <Subcommand> -h|--help to get subcommand specific help

    $ ./ install -h

    Install Contrail-test or contrail-test-ci

    Usage: ./ install [OPTIONS] (contrail-test|contrail-test-ci)

      -h|--help                     Print help message
      --test-repo REPO              Contrail-test git repo, Default:
      --test-ref REF                Contrail-test git reference - commit id, branch, tag, Default: master
      --fab-repo FAB_REPO           Contrail-fabric-utils git repo
      --fab-ref FAB_REF             Contrail-fabric-utils git reference (commit id, branch, or tag), Default: master
      --ci-repo CI_REPO	            Contrail-test-ci git repo, Default:
      --ci-ref CI_REF               Contrail-test-ci reference (commit id, branch, or tag), Default: master
      --test-artifact ARTIFACT      Contrail test tar file - this tar file will be used instead of git source in case provided
      --ci-artifact CI_ARTICACT     Contrail test ci tar file
      --fab-artifact FAB_ARTIFACT   Contrail-fabric-utils tar file
      -u|--package-url PACKAGE_URL  Contrail-install-packages deb package web url (http:// or https://) or scp path
                                    (ssh://<server ip/name/< package path>), if url is provided, the
                                    package will be installed and setup local repo.
                                    In case of scp, user name and password will be read from environment variables
                                    SSHUSER - user name to be used during scp
                                    SSHPASS - user password to be used during scp
      positional arguments
        What to install             Valid options are contrail-test, contrail-test-ci


        ./ install --test-repo --test-ref working
        --ci-repo https://$GITUSER:$ -e /tmp/export2
        -u http://nodei16/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb contrail-test

        $ export SSHUSER=user1 SSHPASS=password
        $ ./ install --test-repo --test-ref working
            --ci-repo https://$GITUSER:$ -e /tmp/export2
            -u ssh://nodei16/var/cache/artifacts/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb contrail-test-ci

    - Install with artifacts

      ./ install --ci-artifact /tmp/contrail-test-ci.tar.gz \
            -u http://nodei16/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb \
            --fab-artifact /tmp/contrail-fabric-utils.tar.gz contrail-test-ci # Just use contrail-test as last argument to install contrail-test

    - combination of artifacts and git refs

      ./ install --test-ref 1890b36 --ci-artifact /tmp/contrail-test-ci.tar.gz \
            -u http://nodei16/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb \
            --fab-artifact /tmp/contrail-fabric-utils.tar.gz contrail-test

Once it is installed, one should copy to /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds (or any custom fab path in which case, one have to provide --contrail-fab-path while running Now just go to /opt/contrail-test and run as they have done before.

NOTE: No need to run any fab tasks like setup_testenv or anything. Running will read and build required files to run the tests (like sanity_params.ini, sanity_testbed.json).

Here is how I run contrail-test after Install it.

  1. Copy to /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/
  2. cd /opt/contrail-test
  3. run ./ with appropriate parameters
    $ cd /opt/contrail-test
    $ ./ -h
    Usage: ./ [OPTION]...
    Run Contrail test suite

      -V, --virtual-env        Always use virtualenv.  Install automatically if not present
      -N, --no-virtual-env     Don't use virtualenv.  Run tests in local environment
      -n, --no-site-packages   Isolate the virtualenv from the global Python environment
      -f, --force              Force a clean re-build of the virtual environment. Useful when dependencies have been added.
      -u, --update             Update the virtual environment with any newer package versions
      -U, --upload             Upload test logs
      -s, --sanity             Only run sanity tests
      -t, --parallel           Run testr in parallel
      -C, --config             Config file location
      -h, --help               Print this usage message
      -d, --debug              Run tests with testtools instead of testr. This allows you to use PDB
      -l, --logging            Enable logging
      -L, --logging-config     Logging config file location.  Default is logging.conf
      -m, --send-mail          Send the report at the end
      -F, --features           Only run tests from features listed
      -T, --tags               Only run tests taged with tags
      -c, --concurrency        Number of threads to be spawned
      --contrail-fab-path      Contrail fab path, default to /opt/contrail/utils
      -- [TESTROPTIONS]        After the first '--' you can pass arbitrary arguments to testr

    $ ./
    [localhost] local: git branch
    fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

    2016-02-09 10:25:35:568148: Warning: local() encountered an error (return code 128) while executing 'git branch'
    2016-02-09 10:25:35:568148:
    2016-02-09 10:25:35:568148: 2016-02-09 10:25:35:561571: [root@] run: cat /opt/contrail/contrail_packages/VERSION
    2016-02-09 10:25:35:568437: [root@] out: BUILDID=2709
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:714451: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:714859:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:719259: [localhost] local: git branch
    fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

    2016-02-09 10:25:36:726339: Warning: local() encountered an error (return code 128) while executing 'git branch'
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:726339:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:726339: 2016-02-09 10:25:36:719675: [root@] run: cat /opt/contrail/contrail_packages/VERSION
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:726615: [root@] out: BUILDID=2709
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:777523: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:777781:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:778033: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:778463: [root@] out: harishku-vm1
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:832563: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:832820:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:833036: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:833272: [root@] out: harishku-vm1
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:884548: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:884789:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:885041: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:885263: [root@] out: harishku-vm1
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:969527: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:969768:
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:974452: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:36:974680: [root@] out: harishku-vm3
    2016-02-09 10:25:37:708216: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:37:708449:
    2016-02-09 10:25:37:708709: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:37:708983: [root@] out: harishku-vm1
    2016-02-09 10:25:37:729606: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:37:729832:
    2016-02-09 10:25:37:730082: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:37:730289: [root@] out: localhost
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:520887: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:521179:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:521440: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:521712: [root@] out: harishku-vm3
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:542269: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:542559:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:542855: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:543112: [root@] out: harishku-vm1
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:589205: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:589499:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:589721: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:590029: [root@] out: localhost
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:611151: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:611428:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:616572: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:616852: [root@] out: harishku-vm3
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:639135: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:639500:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:639774: [root@] run: hostname
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:640058: [root@] out: nodei17
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:965649: [root@] out:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:965880:
    2016-02-09 10:25:38:968799: Python 2.7.6
    no match
    Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Skipping patch.
    1 out of 1 hunk ignored
    + echo 'Validating if test discovery passes in scripts/ and serial_scripts'
    Validating if test discovery passes in scripts/ and serial_scripts
    + echo ''

    + export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/opt/contrail-test/scripts:/opt/contrail-test/fixtures
    + PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/opt/contrail-test/scripts:/opt/contrail-test/fixtures
    + export OS_TEST_PATH=./scripts
    + OS_TEST_PATH=./scripts
    + testr list-tests
    ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./scripts} --list[sanity,vcenter][sanity,vcenter][sanity,vcenter][sanity,vcenter][sanity,vcenter][sanity,vcenter][sanity,vcenter][sanity,vcenter][sanity,vcenter][sanity,vcenter][sanity,vcenter][ci_sanity,sanity,vcenter]

Docker build

There is a script ( which build docker containers for both contrail-test-ci as well as contrail-test.

    $ ./ docker-build -h

    Build Contrail-test and contrail-test-ci docker container

    Usage: ./ docker-build [OPTIONS] (contrail-test|contrail-test-ci)

      -h|--help                     Print help message
      --test-repo REPO                Contrail-test git repo, Default:
      --test-ref REF                  Contrail-test git reference - commit id, branch, tag, Default: master
      --fab-repo FAB_REPO           Contrail-fabric-utils git repo
      --fab-ref FAB_REF             Contrail-fabric-utils git reference (commit id, branch, or tag), Default: master
      --ci-repo CI_REPO	            Contrail-test-ci git repo, Default:
      --ci-ref CI_REF               Contrail-test-ci reference (commit id, branch, or tag), Default: master
      --container-tag CONTAINER_TAG Docker container tag, default to contrail-test-ci-<openstack-release>:<contrail-version>
                                        openstack-release and contrail-version is extracted from contrail-install-package name
                                        e.g contrail-test-ci-juno:2.21-105
      --test-artifact ARTIFACT        Contrail test tar file - this tar file will be used instead of git source in case provided
      --ci-artifact CI_ARTICACT     Contrail test ci tar file
      --fab-artifact FAB_ARTIFACT   Contrail-fabric-utils tar file
      -u|--package-url PACKAGE_URL  Contrail-install-packages deb package web url (http:// or https://) or scp path
                                    (ssh://<server ip/name/< package path>), if url is provided, the
                                    package will be installed and setup local repo.
                                    In case of scp, user name and password will be read from environment variables
                                    SSHUSER - user name to be used during scp
                                    SSHPASS - user password to be used during scp
      -c|--use-cache                Use docker cache for the build
      -e|--export EXPORT_PATH       Export Container image to the path provided

      positional arguments
        Type of build               What to build, valid options are contrail-test, contrail-test-ci


      $ ./ docker-build --test-repo --test-ref working
            --ci-repo https://$GITUSER:$ -e /tmp/export2
            -u http://nodei16/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb contrail-test

      $ export SSHUSER=user1 SSHPASS=password
      $ ./ docker-build --test-repo --test-ref working
            --ci-repo https://$GITUSER:$ -e /tmp/export2
            -u ssh://nodei16/var/cache/artifacts/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb contrail-test
  • Docker build with artifacts
 $ ./ docker-build -c --ci-artifact /tmp/contrail-test-ci.tar.gz \
        -u http://nodei16/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb \
        --fab-artifact /tmp/contrail-fabric-utils.tar.gz contrail-test-ci
  • Docker build with combination of artifacts and git refs
  $ ./ docker-build --test-ref 1890b36 --ci-artifact /tmp/contrail-test-ci.tar.gz \
        -u http://nodei16/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb \
        --fab-artifact /tmp/contrail-fabric-utils.tar.gz contrail-test-ci
  • Build and export to /export/docker/contrail-test-ci/
  ./ docker-build --test-ref 1890b36 --ci-artifact /tmp/contrail-test-ci.tar.gz \
        -u http://nodei16/contrail-install-packages_2.21-105~juno_all.deb \
        --fab-artifact /tmp/contrail-fabric-utils.tar.gz contrail-test-ci -e /export/docker/contrail-test-ci/

Docker Container Execution

Before running docker, one must install docker on the host. Please refer the docker installation document for docker install instructions (

  • Load docker image from /export/docker/contrail-test-ci/contrail-test-ci-juno-2.21-105.tar.gz
$ docker load < /export/docker/contrail-test-ci/contrail-test-ci-juno-2.21-105.tar.gz

  • Execute docker container

    it run contrail-test ci tests and log the console. The console output may be captured at later point by running "docker logs [-f] ".

$ docker run -v /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/ \
    -t contrail-test-ci-juno:2.21-105
  • Execute the container with logs saved in specific location

    The logs will be saved under /export/logs/contrail-test-ci/ on docker host.

  $ docker run -v /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/ \
    -v /export/logs/contrail-test-ci/:/contrail-test/logs -t contrail-test-ci-juno:2.21-105

Other Tools

This is a helper script to manage (run/rebuild/list) contrail-test/contrail-test-ci container. Before running the script, one must install docker on the host. Please refer the docker installation document for docker install instructions (

$ ./ -h

Usage: ./ <Subcommand> [OPTIONS|-h]
Run Contrail test suite in docker container

  run 	 Run contrail-test container
  rebuild  Rebuild the container provided
  list     List contrail-test containers
  load 	 Load the container image from the filepath provided (tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2)

Run ./ <Subcommand> -h|--help to get subcommand specific help 

  • Load container images
# ./ load -h

Usage: ./ load DOCKER-IMAGE-URL
Load the docker image to local system

Possitional Parameters:

  <docker-image-url>        Docker image tar.gz url. Supports three modes:
                           http[s] url: example, http://myrepo/contrail-test-images/docker-image-contrail-test-ci-kilo-3.0-2709.tar.gz
                           file path: example  /root/docker-image-contrail-test-ci-kilo-3.0-2709.tar.gz

Load docker image from http url

# ./ load http://nodei16/docker-image-contrail-test-juno-3.0-2709.tar.gz
--2016-02-26 16:18:26--  http://nodei16/docker-image-contrail-test-juno-3.0-2709.tar.gz
Resolving nodei16 (nodei16)...,
Connecting to nodei16 (nodei16)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 425768269 (406M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘/tmp/tmp.x7SNNIHMdL/docker-image.tar.gz’

100%[================================================================================================================================================================>] 425,768,269  448MB/s   in 0.9s   

2016-02-26 16:18:27 (448 MB/s) - ‘/tmp/tmp.x7SNNIHMdL/docker-image.tar.gz’ saved [425768269/425768269]

Loading the image
Successfully Loaded the image http://nodei16/docker-image-contrail-test-juno-3.0-2709.tar.gz

  • Run contrail-test-ci using testrunner

This will help running the contrail-test containers without learning docker commands. Also this script will help to save the data out of the contrail-test into the host. It saves logs, reports,, and contrail-test code itself out of contrail-test container to said directory (provided using --run-path).

# ./ run -h

Usage: ./ run [OPTIONS] (<image_tag>)
Run Contrail test suite in docker container

  -f, --feature FEATURE            Features or Tags to test - valid options are sanity, quick_sanity,
                                            ci_sanity, ci_sanity_WIP, ci_svc_sanity, upgrade, webui_sanity,
                                            ci_webui_sanity, devstack_sanity, upgrade_only. Default: sanity
  -p, --run-path RUNPATH           Directory path on the host, in which contrail-test save all the results and other data
  -s, --shell                      Do not run tests, but leave a shell, this is useful for debugging
  -r, --rm	                     Remove the container on container exit, by default the container will be kept
  -b, --background                 run the container in background
  -n, --no-color                   Disable output coloring
  -t, --testbed TESTBED            Path to testbed file in the host,
                                            Default: /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/
  -T, --testbed-json TESTBED_JSON  Testbed json file
  -P, --params-file PARAMS_FILE    Sanity Params ini file

NOTE: Any one of testbd or both testbed-json and params-file required

Possitional Parameters:

  <image_tag>        Docker image tag to run

# ./ run  contrail-test-ci-juno:2.21-105 

[localhost] local: git branch
* master
2016-02-26 10:36:34:823464: [localhost] local: git log --format="%H" -n 1
2016-02-26 10:36:34:828473: [localhost] local: git branch
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

2016-02-26 10:36:34:836881: Warning: local() encountered an error (return code 128) while executing 'git branch'
2016-02-26 10:36:34:836881: 
2016-02-26 10:36:34:836881: 2016-02-26 10:36:34:833129: [root@] run: cat /opt/contrail/contrail_packages/VERSION
2016-02-26 10:36:34:837161: [root@] out: BUILDID=105
2016-02-26 10:36:35:592165: [root@] out: 
2016-02-26 10:36:35:592643: 
2016-02-26 10:36:35:596869: [root@] run: hostname
2016-02-26 10:36:35:597206: [root@] out: harishku-vm1
2016-02-26 10:36:35:647340: [root@] out: 
2016-02-26 10:36:35:647664: 
2016-02-26 10:36:35:647846: [root@] run: hostname
2016-02-26 10:36:35:648023: [root@] out: harishku-vm1
2016-02-26 10:36:35:730206: [root@] out: 
2016-02-26 10:36:35:730429: 
2016-02-26 10:36:35:735219: [root@] run: hostname
2016-02-26 10:36:35:735409: [root@] out: harishku-vm1
2016-02-26 10:36:35:824025: [root@] out: 
2016-02-26 10:36:35:824271: 
2016-02-26 10:36:35:828898: [root@] run: hostname
2016-02-26 10:36:35:829093: [root@] out: harishku-vm3
2016-02-26 10:36:36:347448: [root@] out: 
2016-02-26 10:36:36:347687: 
2016-02-26 10:36:36:352560: [root@] run: hostname
2016-02-26 10:36:36:352826: [root@] out: harishku-vm1
2016-02-26 10:36:36:374782: [root@] out: 

The above testrun may create below directory structure under run_path directory in the host

# ls ~/contrail-test-runs/
2016_02_25_11_29_59  2016_02_25_11_31_44  2016_02_25_11_33_31  2016_02_25_11_33_40  2016_02_25_12_02_15  2016_02_25_13_06_20  2016_02_26_16_06_33  2016_02_26_16_10_07  2016_02_26_16_17_43

# ls ~/contrail-test-runs/2016_02_25_12_02_15
contrail-test  logs  reports

  • Run contrail-test-ci container with a shell instead of running contrail-test. This would be helpful to login to the container and do some debugging
# ./ run  -s contrail-test-ci-juno:2.21-105 

  • Run with in non-standard location (by default it takes from /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/
# ./ run  -t /tmp/ contrail-test-ci-juno:2.21-105 

  • List running contrail-test or contrail-test-ci containers
# ./ list
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                            COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
9664fea32bd3        contrail-test-ci-juno:2.21-105   "/"    7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes                            contrail_test_egueqpcv

  • List all contrail-test or contrail-test-ci containers (including all running as well as finished containers)
# ./ list -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                            COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
80132b7c05a0        contrail-test-ci-juno:2.21-105   "/bin/bash"         5 minutes ago       Exited (0) 3 minutes ago                        contrail_test_kkqrdrcn
9664fea32bd3        contrail-test-ci-juno:2.21-105   "/"    8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes                                    contrail_test_egueqpcv
7c30d25d1842        2783b6dd356e                     "/bin/bash"         27 hours ago        Exited (0) 25 hours ago                         contrail_test_eqsjwxar
0bcc35c344ce        2783b6dd356e                     "/"    28 hours ago        Exited (0) 27 hours ago                         contrail_test_fqgpzubi

  • Rebuild existing container (running or non-running container)
# ./ rebuild -h

Usage: ./ rebuild [OPTIONS]
Rebuild contrail-test containers

  -f, --feature        Features or Tags to test - valid options are sanity, quick_sanity,
                                ci_sanity, ci_sanity_WIP, ci_svc_sanity, upgrade, webui_sanity,
                                ci_webui_sanity, devstack_sanity, upgrade_only. Default: sanity
  -p, --run-path       Directory path on the host, in which contrail-test save results and other data
  -s, --shell          Do not run tests, but leave a shell, this is useful for debugging
  -r, --rm	         Remove the container on container exit, by default the container will be kept
  -b, --background     run the container in background
  -n, --no-color       Disable output coloring
  -t, --testbed TESTBED            Path to testbed file in the host,
                                            Default: /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/
  -T, --testbed-json TESTBED_JSON  Testbed json file
  -P, --params-file PARAMS_FILE    Sanity Params ini file

NOTE: Any one of testbd or both testbed-json and params-file required

Possitional Parameters:

  <container id/name>        ontainer

Below code will rebuild an exited container

# ./ rebuild contrail_test_eqsjwxar
 rebuilding container - contrail_test_eqsjwxar
 This process will create an image with the container contrail_test_eqsjwxar
 Creating the image img_contrail_test_eqsjwxar

no match
Applied patch
patching file
+ echo 'Validating if test discovery passes in scripts/ and serial_scripts'
Validating if test discovery passes in scripts/ and serial_scripts
+ echo ''

+ export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/contrail-test/scripts:/contrail-test/fixtures
+ PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/contrail-test/scripts:/contrail-test/fixtures
+ export OS_TEST_PATH=./scripts
+ OS_TEST_PATH=./scripts
+ testr list-tests


This script can be used to cleanup tenant data. This can be run after testrun to make sure tenant is clean.

    $ ./ -h
    usage: [-h] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                             [--auth-url AUTH_URL] [--auth-tenant AUTH_TENANT]
                             [--ip IP] [--port PORT]
                             tenant [tenant ...]

    Cleanup provided tenants by removing all objects in it.It expect openstack
    credentials from OS_ environment variables in openrc format.The credentials
    can be provided as commandline arguments also

    positional arguments:
      tenant                List of tenants to be cleaned up Note that, the user
                            must have access to the tenants listed

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --user USER           Openstack user, if not provided, try to get it from
                            environment variable "OS_USERNAME" with default user
                            as "admin"
      --password PASSWORD   Openstack password
      --auth-url AUTH_URL   Openstack auth url, by default try to get from
                            environment variableOS_AUTH_URL with default of
      --auth-tenant AUTH_TENANT
                            Openstack tenant to connect to
      --ip IP               IP Address of the controller
      --port PORT           Port of the controller

    $ ./ --ip tenant1 tenant2 tenant3
    No objects found in tenant tenant1
    No objects found in tenant tenant2
    No nova objects found in tenant tenant3

Email the Report need following configuration in order to email the test report.

env.test = {
    'mail_to': ',',
    'mail_server': '',
    'mail_sender': ''