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Debug Tips

ajayhn edited this page Feb 13, 2015 · 23 revisions

Useful Chrome Browser applications

System Debugging Tools

  • strace
    strace -p <pid> -e trace=network
  • lsof
    lsof -p <pid>
  • tcpdump
    tcpdump -ni any port <portnum> -A -s 1500

Text-only tools when GUI is not accessible

  • contrail-logs to gather details when UI access is not possible
  • To view xml output with indentation
    curl -sq http://localhost:8085/Snh_ItfReq? | python -c 'import sys;import xml.dom.minidom;;print xml.dom.minidom.parseString(s).toprettyxml()' | less
  • To locate particular stanza based on child value
    • (for e.g. interface stanza based on name of vhost0, port uuid or vm uuid)
    (export KEY=name VAL=vhost0; curl -s -q http://localhost:8085/Snh_ItfReq? | python -c 'import sys, os;from lxml import etree as et;;root=et.fromstring(s); print et.tostring(root.xpath(".//%s[text()=\"%s\"]/.." %(os.environ["KEY"], os.environ["VAL"]))[0], pretty_print=True)')
    (export KEY=uuid VAL=29ec90f1-c637-4cc8-8edb-125ce3dcc0f9; curl -s -q http://localhost:8085/Snh_ItfReq? | python -c 'import sys, os;from lxml import etree as et;;root=et.fromstring(s); print et.tostring(root.xpath(".//%s[text()=\"%s\"]/.." %(os.environ["KEY"], os.environ["VAL"]))[0], pretty_print=True)')
    (export KEY=vm_uuid VAL=a607ec69-95e9-4f8a-9d29-f6632e66fd76; curl -s -q http://localhost:8085/Snh_ItfReq? | python -c 'import sys, os;from lxml import etree as et;;root=et.fromstring(s); print et.tostring(root.xpath(".//%s[text()=\"%s\"]/.." %(os.environ["KEY"], os.environ["VAL"]))[0], pretty_print=True)')
  • Vim function to pretty print large XML. Put following in your .vimrc and type \x.
" XML formatter
function! DoFormatXML() range
        " Save the file type
        let l:origft = &ft 

        " Clean the file type
        set ft= 

        " Add fake initial tag (so we can process multiple top-level elements)
        exe ":let l:beforeFirstLine=" . a:firstline . "-1"
        if l:beforeFirstLine < 0 
                let l:beforeFirstLine=0
        exe a:lastline . "put ='</PrettyXML>'"
        exe l:beforeFirstLine . "put ='<PrettyXML>'"
        exe ":let l:newLastLine=" . a:lastline . "+2"
        if l:newLastLine > line('$')
                let l:newLastLine=line('$')

        " Remove XML header
        exe ":" . a:firstline . "," . a:lastline . "s/<\?xml\\_.*\?>\\_s*//e"

        " Recalculate last line of the edited code
        let l:newLastLine=search('</PrettyXML>')

        " Execute external formatter
        exe ":silent " . a:firstline . "," . l:newLastLine . "!xmllint --noblanks --format --recover -"

        " Recalculate first and last lines of the edited code
        let l:newFirstLine=search('<PrettyXML>')
        let l:newLastLine=search('</PrettyXML>')
        " Get inner range
        let l:innerFirstLine=l:newFirstLine+1
        let l:innerLastLine=l:newLastLine-1

        " Remove extra unnecessary indentation
        exe ":silent " . l:innerFirstLine . "," . l:innerLastLine "s/^  //e"

        " Remove fake tag
        exe l:newLastLine . "d" 
        exe l:newFirstLine . "d" 

        " Put the cursor at the first line of the edited code
        exe ":" . l:newFirstLine

        " Restore the file type
        exe "set ft=" . l:origft
command! -range=% FormatXML <line1>,<line2>call DoFormatXML()

nmap <silent> <leader>x :%FormatXML<CR>
vmap <silent> <leader>x :FormatXML<CR>

VRouter management webpage

You can use access the VRouter management webpage on port 8085


Here is some useful webpages.

List of VRFs.


You can click link in ucindex to see routes


Sandesh message stats


Check Cassandra

You can use this script

ubuntu@contrail-01:~$ python virtual-network
default-domain:default-project:__link_local__ 3e072e3c-59a9-402e-b61f-3697b81a7274
default-domain:default-project:default-virtual-network 3795cb36-1338-4292-936a-5541fbd06ee6
default-domain:default-project:ip-fabric 8adc0fdd-674f-44cd-ac1b-87854dd0ec87
default-domain:demo:right 6884a3b2-cfbe-4fff-88bb-52ef36146e0e

Discovery Service

Check ip for clients

curl "http://node_ip:5998/clients.json" | python -mjson.tool

Config daemon connection status

  • Api Server


  • Schema Transformer


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