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Ceilometer support in Contrail Cloud

meghb edited this page Apr 12, 2016 · 2 revisions


With Contrail Cloud, OpenStack Ceilometer is supported on the following OpenStack release and OS combination when the Contrail Cloud is installed and provisioned using Fabric or Server Manager by setting option enable_ceilometer = True in for Fabric or cluster.json for Server Manager:

  1. OpenStack release from juno onwards on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Note: Ceilometer services are only installed on the first OpenStack controller node and have not been tested with HA currently

Ceilometer Details

As per the OpenStack Wiki, Ceilometer is used to reliably collect measurements of the utilization of the physical and virtual resources comprising deployed clouds, persist these data for subsequent retrieval and analysis, and trigger actions when defined criteria are met. For more information about Ceilometer, please check the official OpenStack Ceilometer Wiki.

The Ceilometer architecture consists of:

  1. Polling agent which is designed to poll OpenStack services and build Meters. The polling agents are also run on the compute nodes in addition to the OpenStack controller.
  2. Notification agent which is designed to listen to notifications on message queue and convert them to Events and Samples.
  3. Collector which is designed to gather and record event and metering data created by notification and polling agents.
  4. API server that provides a REST API to query and view data recorded by collector service.
  5. Alarming - Daemons to evaluate and notify based on defined alarming rules.
  6. Database to store the metering data, notifications, and alarms. The supported databases are MongoDB, SQL-based databases compatible with SQLAlchemy, HBase. However, MongoDB is recommended and it is the backend that has been thoroughly tested and deployed on a production scale.

For more information about Ceilometer architecture, please check the official Ceilometer Architecture Docs

Verification of Ceilometer operation

The Ceilometer services are named slightly differently on Ubuntu and RHEL Server 7.0.

On Ubuntu, the service names are:

  1. Polling agent - ceilometer-agent-central and ceilometer-agent-compute
  2. Notification agent - ceilometer-agent-notification
  3. Collector - ceilometer-collector
  4. API server - ceilometer-api
  5. Alarming - ceilometer-alarm-evaluator and ceilometer-alarm-notifier

On RHEL Server 7.0, the service names are:

  1. Polling agent - openstack-ceilometer-central and openstack-ceilometer-compute
  2. Notification agent - openstack-ceilometer-notification
  3. Collector - openstack-ceilometer-collector
  4. API server - openstack-ceilometer-api
  5. Alarming - openstack-ceilometer-alarm-evaluator and openstack-ceilometer-alarm-notifier

To verify the Ceilometer installation, users can verify that the Ceilometer services are up and running using the openstack-status command. For example, running openstack-status on an all-in-one node running Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS with release 2.2 of Contrail Cloud installed will show the Ceilometer services as active:

== Ceilometer services ==
ceilometer-api:               active
ceilometer-agent-central:     active
ceilometer-agent-compute:     active
ceilometer-collector:         active
ceilometer-alarm-notifier:    active
ceilometer-alarm-evaluator:   active

Further, users can issue the ceilometer meter-list command on the OpenStack controller node to verify that meters are being collected, stored, and reported via the REST API.

root@a7s37:~# (source /etc/contrail/openstackrc; ceilometer meter-list)
| Name                         | Type       | Unit    | Resource ID                          | User ID                          | Project ID                       |
| ip.floating.receive.bytes    | cumulative | B       | a726f93a-65fa-4cad-828b-54dbfcf4a119 | None                             | None                             |
| ip.floating.receive.packets  | cumulative | packet  | a726f93a-65fa-4cad-828b-54dbfcf4a119 | None                             | None                             |
| ip.floating.transmit.bytes   | cumulative | B       | a726f93a-65fa-4cad-828b-54dbfcf4a119 | None                             | None                             |
| ip.floating.transmit.packets | cumulative | packet  | a726f93a-65fa-4cad-828b-54dbfcf4a119 | None                             | None                             |
| network                      | gauge      | network | 7fa6796b-756e-4320-9e73-87d4c52ecc83 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| network                      | gauge      | network | 9408e287-d3e7-41e2-89f0-5c691c9ca450 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| network                      | gauge      | network | b3b72b98-f61e-4e1f-9a9b-84f4f3ddec0b | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| network                      | gauge      | network | cb829abd-e6a3-42e9-a82f-0742db55d329 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| network.create               | delta      | network | 7fa6796b-756e-4320-9e73-87d4c52ecc83 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| network.create               | delta      | network | 9408e287-d3e7-41e2-89f0-5c691c9ca450 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| network.create               | delta      | network | b3b72b98-f61e-4e1f-9a9b-84f4f3ddec0b | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| network.create               | delta      | network | cb829abd-e6a3-42e9-a82f-0742db55d329 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| port                         | gauge      | port    | 0d401d96-c2bf-4672-abf2-880eecf25ceb | 01edcedd989f43b3a2d6121d424b254d | 82ab961f88994e168217ddd746fdd826 |
| port                         | gauge      | port    | 211b94a4-581d-45d0-8710-c6c69df15709 | 01edcedd989f43b3a2d6121d424b254d | 82ab961f88994e168217ddd746fdd826 |
| port                         | gauge      | port    | 2287ce25-4eef-4212-b77f-3cf590943d36 | 01edcedd989f43b3a2d6121d424b254d | 82ab961f88994e168217ddd746fdd826 |
| port.create                  | delta      | port    | f62f3732-222e-4c40-8783-5bcbc1fd6a1c | 01edcedd989f43b3a2d6121d424b254d | 82ab961f88994e168217ddd746fdd826 |
| port.create                  | delta      | port    | f8c89218-3cad-48e2-8bd8-46c1bc33e752 | 01edcedd989f43b3a2d6121d424b254d | 82ab961f88994e168217ddd746fdd826 |
| port.update                  | delta      | port    | 43ed422d-b073-489f-877f-515a3cc0b8c4 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| subnet                       | gauge      | subnet  | 09105ed1-1654-4b5f-8c12-f0f2666fa304 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| subnet                       | gauge      | subnet  | 4bf00aac-407c-4266-a048-6ff52721ad82 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| subnet.create                | delta      | subnet  | 09105ed1-1654-4b5f-8c12-f0f2666fa304 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |
| subnet.create                | delta      | subnet  | 4bf00aac-407c-4266-a048-6ff52721ad82 | 15c0240142084d16b3127d6f844adbd9 | ded208991de34fe4bb7dd725097f1c7e |

Note: The ceilometer meter-list command will list the meters only if images have been created and/or instances launched and/or subnet/port/floating IPs created, otherwise it will be empty. Users also need to source the /etc/contrail/openstackrc file when executing the command.

Contrail Ceilometer Plugin

The Contrail Ceilometer Plugin adds capability to meter the traffic statistics of floating IPs in Ceilometer. It adds the following meters for each floating IP resource in Ceilometer.


The Contrail Ceilometer Plugin configuration is done in the /etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml when Contrail Cloud is installed by the Fabric provisioning scripts.

The following configuration is added to the file:

    - name: contrail_source
      interval: 600
        - "ip.floating.receive.packets"
        - "ip.floating.transmit.packets"
        - "ip.floating.receive.bytes"
        - "ip.floating.transmit.bytes"
          - contrail://<IP-address-of-Contrail-Analytics-Node>:8081
        - contrail_sink
    - name: contrail_sink
        - rpc://

For example, following is the ceilometer meter-list output for the floating IP meters:

| Name                          | Type       | Unit      | Resource ID                                                            | User ID                          | Project ID                       |
| ip.floating.receive.bytes     | cumulative | B         | 451c93eb-e728-4ba1-8665-6e7c7a8b49e2                                  | None                             | None                             |
| ip.floating.receive.bytes     | cumulative | B         | 9cf76844-8f09-4518-a09e-e2b8832bf894                                  | None                             | None                             |
| ip.floating.receive.packets   | cumulative | packet    | 451c93eb-e728-4ba1-8665-6e7c7a8b49e2                                  | None                             | None                             |
| ip.floating.receive.packets   | cumulative | packet    | 9cf76844-8f09-4518-a09e-e2b8832bf894                                  | None                             | None                             |
| ip.floating.transmit.bytes    | cumulative | B         | 451c93eb-e728-4ba1-8665-6e7c7a8b49e2                                  | None                             | None                             |
| ip.floating.transmit.bytes    | cumulative | B         | 9cf76844-8f09-4518-a09e-e2b8832bf894                                  | None                             | None                             |
| ip.floating.transmit.packets  | cumulative | packet    | 451c93eb-e728-4ba1-8665-6e7c7a8b49e2                                  | None                             | None                             |
| ip.floating.transmit.packets  | cumulative | packet    | 9cf76844-8f09-4518-a09e-e2b8832bf894                                  | None                             | None                             |

The Resource ID in the meters above refers to the floating IP. Following is the ceilometer resource-show -r 451c93eb-e728-4ba1-8665-6e7c7a8b49e2 output:

| Property    | Value                                                                   |
| metadata    | {u'router_id': u'None', u'status': u'ACTIVE', u'tenant_id':             |
|             | u'ceed483222f9453ab1d7bcdd353971bc', u'floating_network_id':            |
|             | u'6d0cca50-4be4-4b49-856a-6848133eb970', u'fixed_ip_address':           |
|             | u'', u'floating_ip_address': u'', u'port_id': u'c6ce2abf- |
|             | ad98-4e56-ae65-ab7c62a67355', u'id':                                    |
|             | u'451c93eb-e728-4ba1-8665-6e7c7a8b49e2', u'device_id':                  |
|             | u'00953f62-df11-4b05-97ca-30c3f6735ffd'}                                |
| project_id  | None                                                                    |
| resource_id | 451c93eb-e728-4ba1-8665-6e7c7a8b49e2                                    |
| source      | openstack                                                               |
| user_id     | None                                                                    |

The ceilometer statistics and ceilometer sample-list output for the meter ip.floating.receive.packets are shown below:

| Period | Period Start               | Period End                 | Count | Min | Max   | Sum    | Avg            | Duration   | Duration Start             | Duration End               |
| 0      | 2015-02-13T19:50:40.795000 | 2015-02-13T19:50:40.795000 | 2892  | 0.0 | 325.0 | 1066.0 | 0.368603042877 | 439069.674 | 2015-02-13T19:50:40.795000 | 2015-02-18T21:48:30.469000 |

| Resource ID                          | Name                        | Type       | Volume | Unit   | Timestamp                  |
| 9cf76844-8f09-4518-a09e-e2b8832bf894 | ip.floating.receive.packets | cumulative | 208.0  | packet | 2015-02-18T21:48:30.469000 |
| 451c93eb-e728-4ba1-8665-6e7c7a8b49e2 | ip.floating.receive.packets | cumulative | 325.0  | packet | 2015-02-18T21:48:28.354000 |
| 9cf76844-8f09-4518-a09e-e2b8832bf894 | ip.floating.receive.packets | cumulative | 0.0    | packet | 2015-02-18T21:38:30.350000 |

Ceilometer Installation and Provisioning

There are 2 scenarios for contrail ceilometer plugin installation.

  1. If the user is installing their own openstack distribution, they can install contrail ceilometer plugin on the openstack controller node.
  2. When using Contrail Cloud services, Ceilometer controller services are installed and provisioned automatically as part of OpenStack controller node and the compute agent service as part of the compute node.

The following Fabric tasks are added to facilitate the installation and provisioning:

fab install_ceilometer - Install Ceilometer packages on the OpenStack controller node

fab install_ceilometer_compute - Install Ceilometer packages on the compute node

fab setup_ceilometer - Provision Ceilometer controller services on the OpenStack controller node

fab setup_ceilometer_compute - Provision Ceilometer compute agent on the compute node

fab install_contrail_ceilometer_plugin - Install Contrail Ceilometer plugin package on the OpenStack controller node

fab setup_contrail_ceilometer_plugin - Provision Contrail Ceilometer plugin package on the OpenStack controller node

Note: These are automatically called as part of fab install_openstack, fab setup_openstack for the OpenStack controller node, and as part of fab install_vrouter, fab setup_vrouter for the compute node

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