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Contrail Alerts Overview

Sundaresan Rajangam edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 7 revisions


Alerts will be provided on a per-UVE basis. Contrail Analytics will raise (or clear) alerts using python-coded “rules” that examine the contents of the UVE and the object’s config. Some rules will be built-in. Others can be added using python stevedore plugins.

The Contrail Analytics API will provide the following.

  • Read access to the Alerts as part of the UVE GET APIs
  • Alert acknowledgement using POST requests.
  • UVE and Alert streaming using Server-Sent Events :

Alert format:

GET http://<analytics-ip>:8081/analytics/alarms

    analytics-node: [
            name: "nodec40",
            value: {
                UVEAlarms: {
                    alarms: [
                            any_of: [
                                    all_of: [
                                            json_operand1_value: ""PROCESS_STATE_STOPPED"",
                                            rule: {
                                                oper: "!=",
                                                operand1: {
                                                    keys: [
                                                operand2: {
                                                    json_value: ""PROCESS_STATE_RUNNING""
                                            json_vars: {
                                                NodeStatus.process_info.process_name: "contrail-topology"
                            severity: 3,
                            ack: false,
                            timestamp: 1457395052889182,
                            token: "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOiAxNDU3Mzk1MDUyODg5MTgyLCAiaHR0cF9wb3J0IjogNTk5NSwgImhvc3RfaXAiOiAiMTAuMjA0LjIxNy4yNCJ9",
                            type: "ProcessStatus"

"any_of" indicates alarm rules defined in the format [ [rule1 AND rule2 AND ... AND ruleN] ... OR [rule11 AND rule22 AND ... AND ruleNN] ]. “ack” indicates if the alert has been acknowledged or not.
“token” is to be used by clients when requesting acknowledgements

Alerts are raised on a per-UVE basis and can be retrieved by a GET on a UVE.

For example, all the alarms for a specific analytics-node can be retrieved by the following UVE GET request.

GET http://<analytics-ip>:8081/analytics/uves/analytics-node/?cfilt=UVEAlarms

Alarms for all the analytics-nodes can be retrieved by the following UVE GET request.

GET http://<analytics-ip>:8081/analytics/uves/analytics-node/*?cfilt=UVEAlarms

Analytics APIs for Alerts:

  1. GET http://<analytics-ip>:<rest-api-port>/analytics/uves/control-node/aXXsYY&cfilt=UVEAlarms
    This will give a list of alerts raised against Control Node aXXsYY. This is available for all UVE table-types.

  2. GET http://<analytics-ip>:<rest-api-port>/analytics/alarms
    This will give a list of all alarms in the system.

  3. POST http://<analytics-ip>:<rest-api-port>/analytics/alarms/acknowledge
    Body: {“table”: <object-type>, “name”: <key>, “type”: <alarm type>, “token”: <token>} This allows the user to acknowledge an alarm. Acknowledged/un-acknowledged alarms can be queried specifically by using the URL Query Parameter “ackFilt=True” or “ackFilt=False” with APIs #1 and #2 above.

Analytics APIs for SSE streams:

  1. GET http://<analytics-ip>:<rest-api-port>/analytics/uve-stream?tablefilt=control-node
    This provides a SSE-based stream of UVE updates for Control Node alarms. This is available for all UVE table-types. If the “tablefilt” URL Query parameter is not provided, all UVEs will be seen.

  2. GET http://<analytics-ip>:<rest-api-port>/analytics/alarms-stream?tablefilt=control-node
    This is similar to #4 above, but it provides only the Alerts portion of UVEs instead of providing the entire content of the UVEs.
    This is available for all UVE table-types. If the “tablefilt” URL Query parameter is not provided, alerts for all UVEs will be seen.

Built-in Node Alerts:

The following built-in node alerts are supported and can be retrieved using APIs listed in the previous section.

control-node:  {
    PartialSysinfoControl: "Basic System Information is absent for this node in BgpRouterState.build_info",
    ProcessStatus: "NodeMgr reports abnormal status for process(es) in NodeStatus.process_info",
    XmppConnectivity: "Not enough XMPP peers are up in BgpRouterState.num_up_bgp_peer",
    BgpConnectivity: "Not enough BGP peers are up in BgpRouterState.num_up_bgp_peer",
    AddressMismatch: “Mismatch between configured IP Address and operational IP Address",
    ProcessConnectivity: "Process(es) are reporting non-functional components in NodeStatus.process_status"

vrouter:  {
    PartialSysinfoCompute: "Basic System Information is absent for this node in VrouterAgent.build_info",
    ProcessStatus: "NodeMgr reports abnormal status for process(es) in NodeStatus.process_info",
    ProcessConnectivity: "Process(es) are reporting non-functional components in NodeStatus.process_status",
    VrouterInterface: "VrouterAgent has interfaces in error state in VrouterAgent.error_intf_list”,
    VrouterConfigAbsent: “Vrouter is not present in Configuration”,

config-node:  {
    PartialSysinfoConfig: "Basic System Information is absent for this node in ModuleCpuState.build_info",
    ProcessStatus: "NodeMgr reports abnormal status for process(es) in NodeStatus.process_info",
    ProcessConnectivity: "Process(es) are reporting non-functional components in NodeStatus.process_status"

analytics-node:  {
    ProcessStatus: "NodeMgr reports abnormal status for process(es) in NodeStatus.process_info",
    PartialSysinfoAnalytics: "Basic System Information is absent for this node in CollectorState.build_info",
    ProcessConnectivity: "Process(es) are reporting non-functional components in NodeStatus.process_status"

database-node: {
    ProcessStatus: "NodeMgr reports abnormal status for process(es) in NodeStatus.process_info",
    ProcessConnectivity: "Process(es) are reporting non-functional components in NodeStatus.process_status"
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