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🍻 Lightweight domain driven rest api architecture


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Lightweight domain driven rest api architecture


composer require zemd/micro


This is lightweight approach to manage rest api calls translate them into pretty domain objects and route to handler. Such approach lets to avoid messy boilerplate code during handling api requests.

So you have some specific code that handles "requests" and returns some data. It is independent code that can be placed in rabbitMQ consumer or elsewhere on the net. Let's call it handler and define that each such handler must implement simple method handle.

As such handler doesn't know about http requests it receives in it's parameter some command object. It nothing else than serializable object that can be transferred via any transport mechanism without data loss.

class FeatureHandler implements HandlerInterface {
  public function handle(CommandInterface $command, $context) {
    // do stuff
    return "response";

To make it accessible to some router that will look up for handlers there need to be passed some meta information about your endpoint and it's destination. In systems where endpoint can be physically be placed in different servers, you can share meta information in your target services, and return collected info in instance of HandlerMetaInterface interface.

class FeatureMetaInformation implements HandlerMetaInterface {
    public function getMethods() {
      return ['GET'];
    // Unique string that match handler name, it should be possible to be constructed from request string
    public function getEndpoint() {
      return '/users/search';
    public function getCommandGuesser() {
      return false; // If false returns getCommandClass() method will be used.
    public function getCommandClass() {
      return ''; // or FeatureCommand::class
    public function getDescription() {
      return 'Some cool feature';

Do not forget to tag your meta provider in services.yml

  class: Namespace\To\My\FeatureMetaInformation
    - zemd.micro.handler_meta

Now we have information and handler, we can continue with building Command. Commands are building automatically with CommandBuilder, so you should only define it with passing additional information using annotations and make command available to builder and handler.

@RequestParam - says that prop's value is defined in request under desired alias, can define custom pattern to validate, and set if this parameter is required to build command.

@Type - says that prop is defined as object type

You can defined your own annotations if you wish.

  class FeatureCommand implements CommandInterface {
     * @RequestParam("mobile", pattern="\+\d{8,13}", required=true)
     * @Type("\My\Project\ValueObjects\MobileObject")
     * @Constraints\NotNull()
    protected $mobile;
     * @RequestParam("country_code", required=false)
     * @Type("\My\Project\ValueObjects\CountryInfoObject")
    protected $countryInfo;
     * @RequestParam("lang", required=false)
    protected $lang;
    // ... getters/setters/serialize/unserialize

As you can see this class is plain domain without any complexity.

So now we have handler, meta and command and we already can launch our command pipe. We can define one controller action that will be responsible for handling all api calls.

class TestController {
  public function handleAction($param1, $param2, $param3, Request $request) {
    $checkpoint = "$param1/$param2/$param3";
    $handlerMetaManager = new HandlerMetaManager();
    $handlerMeta = $handlerMetaManager->getMeta($checkpoint);
    $commandBuilder = new CommandBuilder();
    // in case command guesser returns service id, container must be passed to builder
    $command = $commandBuilder->setRequest($request)
    $handlerDispatcher = new CommandDispatcher($config);
    $result = $handlerDispatcher->dispatch($command);
    // now we have $result with response
    // we can serialize it in json/xml/...
    return $result;

Advanced usage

For now we built simple handler that is placed on the same machine. But what if we want to make it distributed and asynchronous. You can achieve this by implementing CommandDispatcherInterface. By default CommandDispatcher supports rabbitmq via old_sound_rabbit_mq package. This requires to implement you Consumer, inside of it you should transfer command to handler and return response using rabbitmq xml/rpc mechanism. In such architecture you can implement simple map/reduce handler or run several heavy computations asynchronously inside handler and then return result back.


Micro is released under the MIT license.
