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Stefan Schubert edited this page Nov 12, 2015 · 18 revisions


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Changing official SLES Documentation

The official SLES AutoYaST documentation is located on github.

Changes should only be checked in into the develop branch.


Packaging the Documentation

When the documentation department supplies a new tarball containing AutoYaST documentation following steps are needed:

  • unpack the tarball
  • make sure the owner of the files is root and file permissions are okay
  • re-generate the tarball with a directory structure like: 'autoyast/index.html'
  • replace old documentation tarball in build service


There are several AutoYaST xml files for testing in

Passwords in these files have been replace by the string "pw". Most of the files expect /dev/sdb to be present which should be used for the automatic installation.

Starting AutoYaST

It makes sense to enable networking if the autoyast.xml should be retrieved from a remote location. Boot parameters: autoyast= netsetup=dhcp

Changing Files in the Installation System

If you want to alter files in the installation system before you run YaST or want to collect logs, you can set the boot parameter startshell=1. You will get a shell prompt as soon as the system is up. When done with changes you simply type yast to start the installation workflow.

In case you cannot alter files because it's a read-only file system, you can simply rename the subtree, create a writeable subdir and copy files over. E.g.:

cd /usr/share/YaST2
mv clients clients.old
mkdir clients
cp clients.old/* clients/