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Shortcode Reference: [tpsingle]

Michael edited this page Aug 17, 2017 · 3 revisions


Use this shortcode, if you want to show a single publication in a post or page. You can choose the publication through their ID or BibTeX key.



(integer) The ID of a publication.


(string) The BibTeX key of a publication.

author_name (optional)

(string) Define the style of the author names. The possible styles are old, last or initials. Default is last.

Examples: If you have the name: Ludwig C. van der Vaart

The output is the following:

old --> Vaart, Ludwig C. van der

last --> van der Vaart, Ludwig

initials --> van der Vaart, Ludwig C

editor_name (optional)

(string) Define the style of the editor names. The possible styles are old, last or initials. Default is old. The usage is similar to author_name.

author_separator (optional) new since 6.0.4

(string) Sets the separator between different authors of a publication. The default is ";".

[tpcloud author_separator="," editor_separator=","]

editor_separator (optional) new since 6.0.4

(string) Sets the separator between different editors of a publication. The default is ";".

date_format (optional)

(string) This parameter defines the format for dates and is used for some publication types (presentation,online). Default is d.m.Y. For possible values have a look to the documentation of PHP’s date funciton.

image (optional)

(string) Set the image position: left or right. Default is none (No images displaying).

image_size (optional)

(string) Maximum size of an image in px. Default is 0. Use this only together with the „image“-parameter.

link (optional)

(string) Set it to „true“ if you want to show a link in addition of the publication title. If there are more than one link, the first one is used.


With the ID parameter:

[tpsingle id="30"]

With the key parameter:

[tpsingle key="sooc2013a"]


  • Since: 2.0.0
  • 4.0.0: Parameter date_format added
  • 4.0.3: Parameter key added
  • 4.2.0: Parameters image, image_size, link added
  • 6.0.4: Parameters author_separator, editor separator added