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We Enhance IT Home Pages

This repository contains the source.


First Time

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Make your changes
  3. Push your changes up to your repository
  4. Submit a pull request (PR) from your repository to the draft branch of this repository
  5. We will review the PR, and likely make comments on it, or request changes
  6. When everyone's happy with the changes, we'll merge the PR to the draft branch
  7. When we're ready to release a new version of the web site, we merge the draft branch into master

Updating Your Repository

If you've already forked the repository, but need to update your fork from weenhanceit/, you have to add the original respository from which you forked, as an additional remote:

git remote add upstream

The name of the remote can be anything, but upstream is customary. The rest of this page assumes you named the remote upstream. If you named it something else, you need to change upstream to your remote in the subsequent examples.

When you need to update your repository with the drafts branch of

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/draft

When you need to update from the master branch:

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

When you're done making your changes, submit a pull request by following the instructions for First Time, starting at step 3.


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