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Determine horizontal transfer candidates based on sequence similarity.
Blast2hgt also provides:

  • A strategy for balanced sequence sampling from each taxonomy group to reconstruct phylogenetic trees.
  • Scripts for semiautomated sequence extraction (based on Blast2hgt outputs) and phylogenetic analyses.

The query objects can be proteins, genes or partitial genomic sequences.

Note: A MySQL database of BLAST hit's IDs and their species taxonomy is required:

  • If the BLAST database is nr, you have to import the nr sequence IDs and their taxonomy IDs into the MySQL database (use import_nr.acc.taxid.sql).
  • If the nt is blasted, the nt sequence IDs and their taxonomy IDs should be imported.

See Blast2hgt_manual.pdf for detailed guidelines.

If you find these codes useful, please cite:
Li, M., Zhao, J., Tang, N., Sun, H., & Huang, J. (2018). Horizontal Gene Transfer From Bacteria and Plants to the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Rhizophagus irregularis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 701.