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Hotel Management

A basic Hotel Management application built on the WinForms platform with a modern user interface.


  • Display room statuses visually on a map.
  • Room management.
  • Room type management.
  • Reservation management.
  • Invoice management.
  • Management of various services.
  • Management of amenities.
  • Basic employee information management.
  • Basic customer information management.
  • Account type management for application users.
  • Revenue statistics.
  • Invoice printing.
  • Support for password recovery and change.
  • Export various lists to Excel files.
  • Role-based access control for different account types.

Language: Vietnamese.

Technology Stack

  • Runtime environment:

    • Windows 8.1+.
    • .NET Framework 4.7.2.
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2021+.
    • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022+.
  • Development environment:

    • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022+.
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2021+.

Installation Guide

  1. First, launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:

    • Step 1: Obtain the Server name when you start this application.

    • Step 2: Run the SQLHotelManagement.sql file, and you can create the Database name as you like. The default is "HotelManagement".

    Note: Use Windows Authentication for authentication.

  2. Now, open the HotelManagement.sln file using Visual Studio.

  3. Installation is complete, and you can press "Run" to start the program (the shortcut key in Visual Studio is F5). At this point, the application will ask for the "Server name" (Step 1) and "Database name" (Step 2) that you set up earlier.

For convenience, the team has created a default database. You can use it immediately. The default account is admin, and the password is 1234. (Note: If you use the default database, the data will not be saved when you close the program).

User Interface

Room Map Booking Room Invoice Statistic


Nguyễn Phúc Bình

Phan Tuấn Thành

Lê Thanh Tuấn