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Zach edited this page Jan 29, 2018 · 5 revisions

NOTE: this wiki is mostly deprecated and left for archival purposes. Please see the documentation website which is built from the docs directory. Additional information about the specification can also be found in that directory.

Tendermint CLI

Some notes on using the command line tendermint tool. See Installation to get it set up.

The help menu is available at tendermint --help and the version number at tendermint version.

Directory Root

The default directory for blockchain data is ~/.tendermint. Override this with the TMHOME environment variable or --home flag.


tendermint init will initialize the ~/.tendermint (or $TMHOME) directory with a new private key (priv_validator.json), and a genesis.json containing the associated public key. This is all that's necessary to run a local testnet with one validator.

Run a node

To run a tendermint node, use tendermint node.

Note by default it will try to connect to a tmsp app running on Alternatively, specify an in-process tmsp app (eg. tendermint node --proxy_app=dummy to run the dummy app) or an different socket address (eg. tendermint node --proxy_app=/var/run/tmsp.sock). To use grpc instead of the raw tmsp socket protocol, set --tmsp=grpc.

Fast-sync mode is enabled by default. It can be disabled with --fast_sync=false, and will turn off automatically once the node is synced up.

Specify seeds to connect to with a comma separated list, eg.,

The logging level defaults to notice, but can be set to error, warn, notice, info, debug using --log_level=<level>.


WARNING: UNSAFE. Only do this in development and only if you can afford to lose all blockchain data!

To reset a blockchain, remove the ~/.tendermint/data directory and run tendermint unsafe_reset_priv_validator. This will reset the priv_validator.json, allowing you to sign blocks for heights you've already signed (doing this on a live network is considered a Byzantine fault!)