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This is my undergraduate thesis: ISMR3DV (Ionospheric Scintillation Monitoring Results: 3D Visualizer). Built using WebGL2 and typescript.

The project contains 2 folders: server and visualizer. visualizer is the actual project and server is a NodeJS + Express server to statically serve the visualizer and act as a middle man between the visualizer and the API in order to not expose the private API key.

Compiling and Running


To build the project you'll need the following dependencies:

  • NodeJS (I'm using 16.13.2)
  • NPM (I'm using 8.5.0)
  • Python 3 (I'm using 3.8.10)
  • PIP3 (python3-pip, I'm using 20.0.2)


If you desire to run the project fetching actual data you'll need an API key, this key is associated with your account at the ISMR Query Tool and you can request one here.

However, you can still run the visualizer without this key. If you don't have a key or just wants to see the visualizer, when prompted to insert a key just leave it empty and press enter (If you are not using the setup script just replace UNESP_ISMR_API_KEY=<UNESPKEY> with UNESP_ISMR_API_KEY= at the .env).

If you decide to run the server without a key it will run in showcase mode, where all queries will return pre-fetched data stored on the server (at server/src/example_data).

You can force the showcase mode by changing the FORCE_SHOWCASE_MODE declaration to true at the .env. It defaults to false and is not asked to you when running the setup script because it's mostly used only during development to still have an API key configured and test the showcase mode.


There is an automated script to setup the project, the script will automatically check the dependencies, install the prerequisites, setup and compile the project. You can run it using

On Linux:

$ ./

If the script is not runnable, you can make it so with chmod +x

On Windows:

PS> .\setup.ps1

Please note that by default Powershell will not let you execute unsigned scripts, you can change this behaviour by entering the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted.


First you'll need to configure the enviroment for the server, the model can be found at ./.env.model. You'll need to copy this file to ./.env and configure what is needed. You can compile the server and the visualizer on any order you like.

First make sure that you have the required python dependencies:

$ pip3 install -r tools/requirements.txt

To compile the server:

$ cd server
$ npm install
$ npm run compile

To compile the visualizer:

$ cd visualizer
$ npm install
$ npm run compile

After this you can run the project with

$ node server/out/index.js

Please note that the .env file has to be in the folder that you are executing the command above. By default the .env file is at the project's root directory.

And access it at http://localhost:<port you defined>.


Earth and Sun textures by Solar System Scope, distributed under Creative Commons 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). No additional changes were made to the textures.

Skybox textures were made using Spacescape by Alex Peterson, distributed under the MIT License.

International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) : Alken, P., Thébault, E., Beggan, C.D. et al. The implementation used in this software was made using the Python 3.7 Package (GitHub, Download link from the IGRF Website) source code, distributed under the MIT License.